Exit Program: PUIJUMPGEN
This exit program was introduced in Profound UI Version 6, Fix Pack 19.0
The purpose of this exit program, if installed, is to allow a client to receive a full list of all source files, based on the template choices, that are generated by JumpStart.
The exit program is executed, if there is one created, once all the source files are created and compiled.
For an example, this exit program could be used to create an *OUTFILE that contains a list of all the source files generated by JumpStart and then used as a reference
against existing source code. Example of information provided by exit program PUIJUMPGEN.
Exit Program Interface
The following table shows and describes the interface that the exit program exposes.
PUIJUMPGEN Data Structures
* Source code details for each list item
D inSource_t DS Template Qualified
* Source library
D sourceLib 10A
* Source file
D sourceFile 10A
* Source member
D sourceMbr 10A
* IFS source file
D sourceIFS 1000A
* Source object type
* js, RPG and PHP = PGM
* otherwise DSPF
D sourceObj 10A
* Source file type
* 1 = OS400 native, 2 = IFS
D sourceType 10I 0
* Data structure containg list of source file generated
D inArgs_t DS Template Qualified
* Source language
D sourceLang 10A
* Source Template
D sourceTemp 128A
* Number of source files
D sourceCount 10I 0
* List of source files
D sourceList LikeDS(inSource_t) Dim(1000)
* PEP *
D main PR ExtPgm('PUIJUMPGN1')
D inArgs LikeDS(inArgs_t)
D main PI
D inArgs LikeDS(inArgs_t)
Exit Program Implementation
To use this exit program we recommend that you follow these steps.
These steps assume you installed Profound UI into a library named PROFOUNDUI. If not, please change the library name in the following instructions to the one where the product has been installed.
Copy the member named PUIJUMPGEN from the PROFOUNDUI/QRPGLESRC source file into your own source library. (Do not modify the source in the Profound UI library, it is replaced each time you upgrade the product.)
Modify the source to implement your own business logic.
Compile the source and generate the program object named PUIJUMPGEN into the PROFOUNDUI library. Unlike the source, the object is not replaced when the product is updated.