Language Support for Jumpstart

Language Support for Jumpstart

Beginning with Profound Version 5, Fix Pack 10.0, all Jumpstart messages or strings are configurable for different languages or cultures.  You can customize these strings yourself, or even define new languages with configuration options.

Configuring a Language

Settings File

To configure language support for Jumpstart, options need to be set in a custom JavaScript file. See Custom JavaScript Files for more.

The configuration options set in the Jumpstart settings.js file apply only to Jumpstart. If you want to configure languages for Genie or Rich Display sessions, see Language Support.


To set the language, specify a value for pui.language in your Jumpstart settings.js file. For example, to set the language to "French, France", you would code the following:

pui.language = "fr_FR";

The following languages are provided with Jumpstart:

  • en_US = English, USA  (default)

  • fr_FR = French, France

  • it_IT = Italian, Italy

  • de_DE = German, Germany

Customizing a Language

Any of the strings that are provided in the language dictionary of Atrium may be customized. To do that, you can define a string as follows:

pui[dictionary-name][language][message id] = "The New String";

For example, to customize the message that occurs when the generator completes:

pui["jumpstartMsg"]["en_US"]["app generated"] = "Your application has finished generating!";

This can be set separately for each language. 

You can find a list of the possible dictionary and message id values under "Defining a new language", below.

Defining a New Language

If Jumpstart does not come with your preferred language already defined, you can add a new language yourself by coding all of the needed strings as configuration settings. To do that, your settings file should set the language you wish to use.  You can pick any string you like for the language name. Then, define empty objects for the runtimeMsg and runtimeText dictionaries, as follows:

Then, define a message for each message ID in each dictionary.  Here is a list of all of the messages you can define:

You should only translate the text on the right-hand side of the equal sign.  Do not translate the message IDs (such as "pgm src file" or "detail screen") because Profound UI will not be able to find your message in the dictionary if you change the dictionary name or the message id.

Strings like "&1", "&2", etc. are placeholders. The translations of such strings should also include the placeholder symbols.