Expired passwords for Rich Display Files using BASIC authentication

If you are calling Rich Display files using BASIC authentication (start URL will contain /auth/ such as http://IP_ADDRESS:8080/profoundui/auth/start) the HTTP server will not handle expired passwords.  This is normal behavior.

You can, however, allow the user to change their password by directing them to this page: http://IP_ADDRESS:8080/profoundui/changepass

If data area PROFOUNDUI/PUIPWDMGT is set to '1' you can only call this page if the password has expired.

If data area PROFOUNDUI/PUIPWDMGT is set to '2' you can go to this page to change the password at any time

You can customize this page by editing html page /www/profoundui/htdocs/profoundui/userdata/html/change_password.html. Make sure you keep a backup copy in case it is replaced with a product update.