Screen Level Props

Screen Level Props

These properties are specified at the per-screen level, within the "screen" JSON object.


"record format name": Identifies the record format that is used to access this screen from server code.

"description": Describes the record format.

"document title": Specifies the document title to use when this screen is displayed. Web browsers usually display the document title in a window's title bar when the window is open, and in the task bar when the window is minimized.

External Files

"external css": Identifies the location of an external cascading style sheet file to apply to this screen. To specify multiple files, right-click the property and select Add Another External CSS.

"external javascript": Identifies the location of an external JavaScript file to load on this screen. To specify multiple files, right-click the property and select Add Another External JavaScript.


"overlay": Specifies that the screen you are defining should appear on the display without the entire display being cleared first.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

"overlay range": Specifies a range of row numbers for this record format. This can be used to emulate certain behaviors of legacy green-screens in converted applications.

"design overlay formats": Specifies a list of additional record formats to render in the designer when this record format is selected. This property is only used at design-time. It is ignored at run-time.


"disable enter key": This property determines if pressing the Enter key will cause a response to be sent to the server. If set to true and the Enter key is not used as a shortcut key, the response will not be sent. Otherwise, the response is sent automatically.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

"initialize record": Specifies that if this record is not already on the display, it is to be written to the display before an input operation is sent from the program. It represents the INZRCD keyword.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

"protect": Specifies that when this record is displayed, all input-capable fields already on the display become protected. The read only property is set to true and the PR css class is applied.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

"erase formats": Identifies record format to be erased when this record is written.

"assume": Use this property to specify that the program is to assume that a record is already shown on this display when this file is opened.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

"clear line": Use this property to clear(delete) a specific number of lines before the record is displayed. It represents the CLRL keyword.

  • Possible choices: "*END", "*NO", "*ALL", Other....

"starting line": This property identifies the starting line of the record format. It is used in conjunction with "clear line" property to specify where the clearing of lines begins. It represents the SLNO keyword.

"put override": Use this property to override data contents or attributes of specific fields within a record. It represents the PUTOVR keyword.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

"override data": Use this property to together with the "put override" property to override existing data contents already on the display. It represents the OVRDTA keyword.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

"override attribute": Use this property to together with the "put override" property to override existing attributes already on the display. It represents the OVRATR keyword.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

"put retain": You use this property with the "overlay" property to prevent the handler from deleting data that is already on the display when the application displays the record again. It represents the PUTRETAIN keyword.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

"return data": Specifies that when your program sends an input operation to this record format, the program is to return the same data that was returned on the previous input operation sent to this record format. This property is ignored if the record format has not already been read. It represents the RTNDTA keyword.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"


"changed": Specifies a response indicator that is set on if data on any input element within the record format is modified.

"set off": Specifies response indicators that are to be set off. To specify additional set off indicators, right-click the property and select Add Another Set Off.

"valid command key": Specifies a response indicator that is set on when a response that is not associated with the Enter shortcut key is sent to the server.

"back button": Specifies a response indicator that is set on when the user presses the browser's back button. This feature will only work in browsers that support the HTML5 history.pushState() method.


"error messages": Identifies error messages to be displayed in association with this element.

"error message":

"error message id":

"error message file":

"error message library":

"replacement data":

"error condition":

"error response":

"error enhanced mode": If checked, allows error messages to display without ERRMSG/ERRMSGID-type restrictions. Errors can display regardless of whether format is already on the screen, and output data is also sent.


"help titles": Identifies the help title for the help panel. Multiple titles can be specified and conditioned using indicators.

"help panels": Identifies the help area and the specific help record or help panel group to display when the help button is clicked.


"show as window": Determines whether this screen is shown as a pop-up window.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

"window left": Represents the x-coordinate of the window. Can be expressed in pixels or columns.

"window top": Represents the y-coordinate of the window. Can be expressed in pixels or rows.

"center window": If set to true, the window will be centered within the boundaries of the previously rendered screen.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

"mask screen": Determines if the screen is masked when a window is displayed. Defaults to true.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

"remove windows": Specify this property to remove all existing windows on the display before this window is displayed.

"window reference": Use this property to refer to a record format name where the window and its properties have been defined.

Cursor Location

"return cursor record": This property can be bound to a character field, which will be used to receive the name of the record format on which the cursor is located.

"return cursor field": This property can be bound to a character field, which will be used to receive the name of the field on which the cursor is located.

"return cursor position": This property can be bound to a numeric field, which will be used to reveive the relative position of the cursor within an element.

"return cursor row": This property can be bound to a numeric field, which will contain the row on which the cursor is located. The row number is based on the cursor row property assigned to the widgets on the screen.

"return cursor column": This property can be bound to a numeric field, which will contain the column on which the cursor is located. The column number is based on the cursor column property assigned to the widgets on the screen.

"set cursor condition": This property can provide an indicator condition, which will be used to determine whether the set cursor row and set cursor column properties are used to set focus.

"set cursor row": This property is used to set focus on a specific widget by identifying the widget's assigned cursor row properties.

"set cursor column": This property is used to set focus on a specific widget by identifying the widget's assigned cursor column properties.

"no focus": This property indicates that no field should receive focus when the screen first renders. When set to "true", focus will not go to any input element, but key presses (such as for function keys) will still be detected by the application without any special action from the user. When set to "no focus on page", no input element will get focus, but key presses will not be detected by the application until the user clicks on a component in the screen. This setting is useful to prevent Internet Explorer from taking focus away from another open window when the screen is rendered.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false", "no focus on page"

Drag and Drop Response

"dd element id": This property can be bound to a character field, which will be used to retrieve the id of the element that is drag and dropped.

"dd record number": This property can be bound to a numeric field, which will be used to retrieve the record number of the subfile row that is drag and dropped.

"target element id": This property can be bound to a character field, which will be used to retrieve the id of the target element in a drag and drop operation. Use this property to determine where an element was dropped.

"target record number": This property can be bound to a numeric field, which will be used to retrieve the record number of the target subfile row in a drag and drop operation. Use this property to determine where within a subfile an element was dropped.

"bypass validation": This property specifies that a drag and drop operation will not trigger client-side validation and will automatically discard all data modified by the user on the screen. You can select "send data" to bypass all client-side validation except for field data type validation and still send all data modified by the user.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false", "send data"


"onload": Initiates a client-side script when the screen loads.

"onsubmit": Initiates a client-side script or expression before a response is submitted to the screen. This typically occurs when a button or a hyperlink is clicked. If the expression evaluates to <i>false</i>, the response is not submitted.


"user defined data": Specifies user-defined general purpose data associated with the record format. To provide multiple user defined data values, right-click the property and select Add Another User Defined Value.