General Item-Level Properties

General Item-Level Properties

These properties may be used to describe a given item (or "widget") on the screen.  They are expressed within the "items" array of each format.


"id": Specifies the ID of the current element. ID's are used to access the element using CSS and JavaScript code.

"field type": Determines the type of control that is used to render the element.

  • Possible choices: "ajax container", "button", "chart", "checkbox", "combo box", "date field", "field set panel", "file upload", "signature pad", "graphic button", "html container", "hyperlink", "iframe", "image", "menu", "output field", "password field", "radio button", "select box", "slider", "on off switch", "spinner", "styled button", "tab panel", "text area", "textbox", "panel", "google maps"

"description": Use this property to provide a text description (or comment) for the element.

"button style": Identifies the look and feel of the button.

  • Possible choices: "Ice Blue", "Apricot", "Royal Blue", "Bright Gold", "Glass", "Black Marble", "Classic Style", "Cherry", "Simplistic", "Silver Accent", "Caramel", "Lime Green", "Raspberry Red", "Steel Blue", "Violet", "Flash Style", "Blue Gel", "Red Gel", "Brown Gel", "Purple Gel", "Green Gel", "Custom Button", "Test Button", "Cigna Negative Button", "Cigna Button"
  • Applies to: styled button

"panel style": Identifies the look and feel of the panel.

  • Possible choices: "Simple", "Evergreen", "Ruby", "Sapphire", "Polished", "Contemporary", "Slate", "Smoke", "Pine", "Ice Blue", "Glass", "Navy", "Steel Blue", "Harvest", "Professional Dialog", "Classic Dialog", "Simple Dialog", "Polished Dialog", "Modern Dialog", "Glass Dialog", "Crimson Dialog", "Green Panel", "Summit Dialog", "Cigna Panel", "Cigna Grey Top Panel", "Cigna Dialog", "Custom Panel"
  • Applies to: panel

"value": Sets the initialization value for the current element.

"response": Specifies a response indicator that is returned to your program when the element is clicked.

  • Applies to: button, styled button, graphic button, hyperlink, image

"menu response": Specifies a response field to be populated with the selected menu option.

  • Applies to: menu

"tab response": Specifies a numeric response field to be populated when a tab is selected. Each tab within a Tab Panel is identified by a sequential index, starting with 0 for the first tab, 1 for the second tab, and so on.

  • Applies to: tab panel

"upload response": Specifies a data structure response field to be populated when files are uploaded.

  • Applies to: file upload

"radio button group": This property allows you to associate multiple radio buttons together by specifying a unique field name.

  • Applies to: radio button

"chart response": Specifies a response field to be populated with the name of the data point selected by the user.

  • Applies to: chart

Font and Text

"color": Defines the color of the text inside the given element.

"font family": The font face for the text of the current element.Ex: Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, etc.

  • Possible choices: "Arial", "Consolas", "Courier New", "Georgia", "Monospace", "Tahoma", "Times New Roman", "Sans-Serif", "Serif", "Trebuchet MS", "Verdana", "Other..."

"font size": The size of the text for the current element. 12px 14px 16px

  • Possible choices: "8px", "9px", "10px", "11px", "12px", "13px", "14px", "15px", "16px", "17px", "18px", "19px", "20px", "21px", "22px", "23px", "24px", "25px", "26px", "27px", "28px", "29px", "30px", "Other..."

"font style": The style of the font: Normal, Italic, or Oblique.

  • Possible choices: "normal", "italic", "oblique"

"font variant": Normal or small caps. Small caps shows the text with all caps but same height as a lower case letter.

  • Possible choices: "normal", "small-caps"

"font weight": Font's weight. Most common used are bold and lighter.

  • Possible choices: "normal", "bolder", "bold", "lighter", "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900"

"letter spacing": Spacing between each letter of a word. Positive increases space between each letter, negative decreases it.

  • Possible choices: "normal", "-3px", "-2px", "-1px", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "6px", "7px", "8px", "9px", "10px", "11px", "12px", "13px", "14px", "15px", "16px", "17px", "18px", "19px", "20px", "Other..."

"text align": Alignment of the text in the current element.(Left, Right, Center, Justify).

  • Possible choices: "left", "right", "center", "justify"

"text decoration": Decoration on the text of the current element. None, Underline, Overline, Line-through.

  • Possible choices: "none", "underline", "overline", "line-through"

"text transform": Transforms the default formatting of the text. Capitalize(first character only),UPPERCASE(all), lowercase(all).

  • Possible choices: "capitalize", "uppercase", "lowercase", "none"

"white space": Determines how white space inside an element is handled. The default is no-wrap.

  • Possible choices: "normal", "pre", "nowrap"
  • Applies to: html container, hyperlink

"word spacing": Spacing between each word in the current element. Negative decreases spacing, positive increases spacing.

  • Possible choices: "normal", "-3px", "-2px", "-1px", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "6px", "7px", "8px", "9px", "10px", "11px", "12px", "13px", "14px", "15px", "16px", "17px", "18px", "19px", "20px", "21px", "22px", "23px", "24px", "25px", "Other..."

Field Settings

"ajax url": Specifies the content url for an ajax container.

  • Applies to: ajax container

"iframe url": Specifies the content url for an IFrame (inline frame) element.

  • Applies to: iframe

"frame border": Determines whether the IFrame (inline frame) element will have a border.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: iframe

"checked value": For a checkbox field, specifies the value to send to the application when the checkbox is checked.

  • Applies to: checkbox

"unchecked value": For a checkbox field, specifies the value to send to the application when the checkbox is not checked.

  • Applies to: checkbox

"on value": Specifies the value to send to the application when the on/off switch is on.

  • Applies to: on off switch

"off value": Specifies the value to send to the application when the on/off switch is off.

  • Applies to: on off switch

"on text": Specifies the text to to display for the "on" state of an on/off switch. The default text is ON.

  • Applies to: on off switch

"off text": Specifies the text to to display for the "off" state of an on/off switch. The default text is OFF.

  • Applies to: on off switch

"wide handle": Specifies whether the on/off switch should display a wide handle for switching state. The default is true. If false is selected, a narrow handle will be used.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: on off switch

"blank value": Use this property to map blank field data to a different value during input and output operations. This property is typically used with elements whose value is bound to a date, time, or timestamp field. To specify multiple blank values, right-click the property and select Add Another Blank Value.

  • Applies to: combo box, date field, output field, password field, spinner, text area, textbox

"disabled": Determines whether the element is disabled or not. The user cannot use a disabled field in any way.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

"html": Used to define custom html in an html container.

  • Applies to: html container

"image source": Specifies the path to an image for an image or a graphic button.

  • Applies to: graphic button, image

"hover image source": Specifies the path to an image that will be displayed when the user hovers the mouse cursor over the image element.

  • Applies to: image

"click image source": Specifies the path to an image that will be displayed when the user presses down the mouse on the image element.

  • Applies to: image

"alternate text": Specifies the alternate text for an image. The alternate text appears when the image cannot be rendered.

  • Applies to: image

"label": Specifies the caption text associated with a checkbox or a radio button.

  • Applies to: checkbox, radio button

"orientation": Specifies the orientation of a slider or a menu element.

  • Possible choices: "horizontal", "vertical"
  • Applies to: menu, slider

"min value": Defines the minimum value for a spinner or slider element.

  • Applies to: slider, spinner

"max value": Defines the maximum value for a spinner or slider element.

  • Applies to: slider, spinner

"increment value": Specifies how much the value in a spinner or slider element increases or decreases. The default value is 1.

  • Applies to: slider, spinner

"read only": Defines whether the current element is read only or not. A read only element prevents the user from changing its value; however, the user can still interact with the element.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: checkbox, combo box, date field, on off switch, password field, radio button, signature pad, spinner, text area, textbox

"empty text": Specifies the default text to place into an empty field. When the field receives focus, the text is removed.

  • Applies to: combo box, date field, spinner, text area, textbox

"select box height": If specified, the select box appears as a list box; if omitted, the select box appears as a dropdown.

  • Possible choices: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "Other..."
  • Applies to: select box

"multiple": Specifies that multiple options can be selected at once in a List Box. The options are returned as a comma separated list.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: select box

"set focus": This property determines if the focus will be set to this field when the screen loads.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: checkbox, combo box, date field, password field, radio button, select box, spinner, text area, textbox

"auto advance": Use this property to indicate that the user does not need to press Enter or otherwise manually submit the screen. Whenever the user keys a character (including a blank) into the last position of the field, the screen contents are submitted to the server as if the Enter key had been pressed.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: combo box, date field, password field, spinner, textbox

"prevent auto tab": This proprty prevents automatic tabbing on this element even when the pui"auto tab" flag is set to true.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: combo box, date field, password field, spinner, textbox

"shortcut key": Specifies a keyboard shortcut that can be used to trigger this element.

  • Possible choices: "Enter", "Escape", "PageUp", "PageDown", "PrtScn", "Pause/Break", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12", "F13", "F14", "F15", "F16", "F17", "F18", "F19", "F20", "F21", "F22", "F23", "F24", "Alt-F1", "Alt-F2", "Alt-F3", "Alt-F4", "Alt-F5", "Alt-F6", "Alt-F7", "Alt-F8", "Alt-F9", "Alt-F10", "Alt-F11", "Alt-F12", "Alt-F13", "Alt-F14", "Alt-F15", "Alt-F16", "Alt-F17", "Alt-F18", "Alt-F19", "Alt-F20", "Alt-F21", "Alt-F22", "Alt-F23", "Alt-F24", "Ctrl-F1", "Ctrl-F2", "Ctrl-F3", "Ctrl-F4", "Ctrl-F5", "Ctrl-F6", "Ctrl-F7", "Ctrl-F8", "Ctrl-F9", "Ctrl-F10", "Ctrl-F11", "Ctrl-F12", "Ctrl-F13", "Ctrl-F14", "Ctrl-F15", "Ctrl-F16", "Ctrl-F17", "Ctrl-F18", "Ctrl-F19", "Ctrl-F20", "Ctrl-F21", "Ctrl-F22", "Ctrl-F23", "Ctrl-F24"
  • Applies to: button, styled button, graphic button, hyperlink, image, menu

"changed": Specifies a response indicator that is set on if the data within the input element is modified.

  • Applies to: checkbox, combo box, date field, password field, select box, spinner, text area, textbox

"is blank": Specifies a response indicator that is set on if the data within the input element is blank. The property allows you to distinguish between a blank and a zero within a numeric field.

  • Applies to: date field, password field, spinner, text area, textbox

"messages": Identifies messages used to populate this element.

  • Applies to: button, output field, styled button, text area, textbox

"clear message":

  • Applies to: button, output field, styled button, text area, textbox

"message id prefix":

  • Applies to: button, output field, styled button, text area, textbox

"message id":

  • Applies to: button, output field, styled button, text area, textbox

"message file":

  • Applies to: button, output field, styled button, text area, textbox

"message library":

  • Applies to: button, output field, styled button, text area, textbox

"message condition":

  • Applies to: button, output field, styled button, text area, textbox


"mandatory entry": When set to true, the user must modify the field by typing at least one character into the input box. A blank is a valid character.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: combo box, date field, password field, spinner, text area, textbox

"mandatory fill": When set to true, the user must type characters in all positions of the input box.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: combo box, date field, password field, spinner, textbox

"required": When set to true, the element cannot be empty.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: combo box, date field, file upload, password field, select box, spinner, text area, textbox

"valid values": Specifies a list of values that are valid for the user to type into the input box. The values should be comma separated.

  • Applies to: combo box, date field, password field, spinner, text area, textbox

"comparison operator": Identifies the relational operator used to compare data in the input box with the specified comparison value.

  • Possible choices: "Equal", "Not Equal", "Greater Than", "Greater Than or Equal", "Less Than", "Less Than or Equal"
  • Applies to: combo box, date field, password field, spinner, text area, textbox

"comparison value": Specifies the value used for comparing against data in the input box. This property is used in combination with the comparison operator property.

  • Applies to: combo box, date field, password field, spinner, text area, textbox

"range low": Specifies the minimum value for range validity checking. The data in the input box must be greater than or equal to this value.

  • Applies to: combo box, date field, password field, spinner, text area, textbox

"range high": Specifies the maximum value for range validity checking. The data in the input box must be less than or equal to this value.

  • Applies to: combo box, date field, password field, spinner, text area, textbox

"validate name": Use this property to specify that the data typed into the field must be a valid simple name. The first character must be $, #, @, or A through Z. The remaining characters must be alphanumeric ($, #, @, A through Z, 0 through 9, or underscore (_), and must not contain embedded blanks.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: combo box, textbox

"allow blanks": When set to true, blank input will satisfy validity checking should any other associated validity check fail.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: combo box, date field, password field, spinner, text area, textbox

"error messages": Identifies error messages to be displayed in association with this element.

"error message": Text to be displayed for this Message

"error message id": ID field for this Message

"error message file": File to use for this Message

"error message library": Library where Message File is located.

"replacement data":

"error condition":

"error response":

"error enhanced mode": If checked, allows error messages to display without ERRMSG/ERRMSGID-type restrictions. Errors can display regardless of whether format is already on the screen, and output data is also sent.

"set as modified": Marks an input field as modified when it is first displayed.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: check box, combo box, date field, password field, radio button, select box, slider, spinner, text area, textbox

"bypass validation": This property, typically used on Cancel or Undo buttons, specifies that the element will not trigger client-side validation and will automatically discard all data modified by the user on the screen. It represents the CAxx set of DDS keywords. You can select "send data" to bypass all client-side validation except for field data type validation and still send all data modified by the user.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false", "send data"
  • Applies to: button, styled button, graphic button, hyperlink, image, menu, tab panel, chart

Menu Options

"choices": Specifies the options for a select box (dropdown or list box), text field with autocomplete, combo box, or menu. The options should be comma separated. To specify submenus for a menu, indent the choices using a dash or a series of dashes.

  • Applies to: combo box, menu, select box, textbox

"choice values": Specifies alternate option values to send to the application for a select box (dropdown or list box), text field with auto complete, combo box, or menu. The values should be comma separated.

  • Applies to: combo box, menu, select box, textbox

"hover background color": Defines the background color of a menu option when the user hovers the mouse over it.

  • Applies to: menu

"hover text color": Defines the text color of a menu option when the user hovers the mouse over it.

  • Applies to: menu

"animate": Determines if hovering over menu options is animated.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: menu

"border color": The color of the border used for menu options.

  • Applies to: menu

"menu option padding": Sets the distance between the edge of the menu option and the menu option text.

  • Possible choices: "auto", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "6px", "7px", "8px", "9px", "Other..."
  • Applies to: menu

"menu option indent": Sets the distance between the left edge of the menu option and the menu option text.

  • Possible choices: "auto", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "6px", "7px", "8px", "9px", "Other..."
  • Applies to: menu

"option image": Defines the background image displayed under each menu option.

  • Applies to: menu

"option hover image": Defines the background image displayed when the user hovers over a menu option.

  • Applies to: menu

"onoptionclick": Initiates a client-side script when a menu option is clicked. The choice value is passed to the event as a parameter named "value". The choice text is passed to the event as a parameter named "text".

  • Applies to: menu

Database-Driven Selection

"choices database file": Database file to be used for a dynamic database-driven dropdown box, list box, or text field with autocomplete. Specify it in the format 'database file' or 'library/database file'.

  • Applies to: combo box, select box, textbox

"choice options field": Database field name used to retrieve the options for a dynamic dropdown box, list box, combo box, or text field with auto complete. Multiple fields can be specifed for a text field with auto complete. In this case, the field names should be comma separated.

  • Applies to: combo box, select box, textbox

"choice values field": Database field name used to retrieve the values sent back to the application. If omitted, the choice options field is used. In the case of a text field with autocomplete that has multiple option fields, the first option field is used.

  • Applies to: combo box, select box, textbox

"choices selection criteria": Optional expression identifying which records should be retrieved from the choices database file.

  • Applies to: combo box, select box, textbox

"choices parameter value": Value for parameter marker in "choices selection criteria" property. Parameter markers are specified using a question mark. Profound UI will accept values from the client for any parameter marker values which are not bound to program fields. Parameter markers are numbered in order of occurence, from left to right. To specify multiple parameter marker values, right-click the property and select Add Another Choices Parameter Value.

  • Applies to: combo box, select box, textbox

"parameter value": Value for parameter marker in "selection criteria" property. Parameter markers are specified using a question mark. Profound UI will accept values from the client for any parameter marker values which are not bound to program fields. Parameter markers are numbered in order of occurence, from left to right. To specify multiple parameter marker values, right-click the property and select Add Another Choices Parameter Value.

  • Applies to: chart

"blank option": When set to true, a database-driven dropdown box will display a blank option before the options from the database file are displayed.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: combo box, select box

"blank option label": By default, the blank option contains no text. Use this property to specify alternate text to be displayed in the blank option. The value sent to the server will still be blank.

  • Applies to: combo box, select box

"order by": Optional expression identifying which fields determine the order of the choices.

  • Applies to: combo box, select box, grid

"max choices": Optional maximum number of choices to provide for a dynamic dropdown box, list box, or text field with auto complete.

  • Applies to: combo box, select box, textbox

"contains match": When set to true, the auto-complete query finds records that contain the search text. When set to false, the auto-complete query finds records that start with the search text. The default value is false.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: textbox

Dynamic Selection

"choices url": Sets the url to a Web service that returns the choice options and values in JSON format. If a choices url is used, the database file, choice options field, choice value field, and max choices properties are ignored.

  • Applies to: combo box, select box, textbox

Chart Settings

"chart type": Identifies the type of chart to display. HTML5 is used to render the chart.

  • Possible choices: "Column3D", "Column2D", "Bar2D", "Line", "Area2D", "Pie2D", "Pie3D", "Doughnut3D"
  • Applies to: chart

"chart overlay": When set to true, the Chart panel will overlay any other content on the screen, regardless of z-index settings. When set to false, the Chart panel will behave according to normal layering rules, based on z-index. The default value is false.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: chart

"onchartclick": Initiates a client-side script when a chart section is clicked. The name of the chart section is passed to the event as a parameter named "name".

  • Applies to: chart

Chart Data

"names": Specifies a list of names representing the data points on the chart or a list of screen element id's from which the names could be retrieved. The list should be comma separated.

  • Applies to: chart

"values": Specifies a list of numerical values used to build the chart or a list of screen element id's from which the values could be retrieved. The list should be comma separated.

  • Applies to: chart

Database-Driven Chart

"database file": Database file to use for the chart's data source. Specify it in the format 'database file' or 'library/database file'.

  • Applies to: chart

"name field": Database field that determines the names by which records would be represented in the chart.

  • Applies to: chart

"value field": Database field that determines the numerical values from which the chart is to be built.

  • Applies to: chart

"summary option": Determines how values are used when creating the chart.

  • Possible choices: "none", "average", "count", "sum", "maximum", "minimum"
  • Applies to: chart

"selection criteria": Optional expression identifying which records should be retrieved from the database file.

  • Applies to: chart

"parameter value": Value for parameter marker in "selection criteria" property. Parameter markers are specified using a question mark. Profound UI will accept values from the client for any parameter marker values which are not bound to program fields. Parameter markers are numbered in order of occurence, from left to right. To specify multiple parameter marker values, right-click the property and select Add Another Parameter Value.

  • Applies to: chart

"record limit": Sets a limit on how many records are to be used in the chart.

  • Applies to: chart

Dynamic Chart

"chart url": Sets the url to a web service that returns the chart definition and data in XML format as specified in the FusionCharts Data Formats section of the FusionCharts documentation site: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts.

  • Applies to: chart

"chart xml": Sets the XML data for the chart as specified in the FusionCharts Data Formats section of the FusionCharts documentation site http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts.

  • Applies to: chart

"chart json": Sets the JSON data for the chart as specified in the FusionCharts Data Formats section of the FusionCharts documentation site http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts. The data can be provided as a string or as a JavaScript object through the use of property scripting.

  • Applies to: chart


"background color": Defines the background color of the given element.

"background image": Defines the background image of the current element.

"background position": Position of the background within the current element.

  • Possible choices: "top", "center", "bottom", "left"

"background repeat": Defines how to repeat the background, repeat-x: repeats horizontally, repeat-y: repeats vertically, no-repeat: doesn't repeat at all, repeat: repeats horizontally and vertically.

  • Possible choices: "repeat-x", "repeat-y", "no-repeat", "repeat"


"left": Represents the x-coordinate of the current element. Specify in pixels or as a percentage.

"top": Represents the y-coordinate of the current element. Specify in pixels or as a percentage.

"right": Position of the element from the right of the screen or layout container.

"bottom": Position of the element from the bottom of the screen or layout container.

"height": Height of the current element. Specify in pixels or as a percentage.

"width": Width of the current element. Specify in pixels or as a percentage.

"min height": Minimum height of the current element.

"min width": Minimum width of the current element.

"max height": Maximum height of the current element.

"max width": Maximum width of the current element.

"z index": The stacking order of the current element, expressed as an integer value. The element with the higher z index will overlay lesser elements.

"auto arrange": This property is used to automatically position action buttons or links in order to accommodate for converted overlay screens.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: button, styled button, graphic button, hyperlink

"locked in place": If set to true, the element cannot be moved or sized.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"

Drag and Drop

"allow drag": This property determines if the element can be drag and dropped.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: html container, output field, image

"use proxy": This property determines if a drag and drop proxy is created. If set to true, instead of dragging the element around, a proxy element is created and moved instead.

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: html container, output field, image

"ondragstart": Initiates a client-side script when the user first starts to drag the element. Information about the drag and drop operation is provided using the global pui.dragDropInfo object.

  • Applies to: html container, output field, image

"drop targets": Specifies a list of target element id's, which indentify where this element can be dropped.

  • Applies to: html container, output field, image

"ondragenter": Initiates a client-side script when the user drags an element over a valid drop target. Information about the drag and drop operation is provided using the global pui.dragDropInfo object.

  • Applies to: html container, output field, image

"ondragleave": Initiates a client-side script when the user moves an element out of a valid drop target during a drag operation. Information about the drag and drop operation is provided using the global pui.dragDropInfo object.

  • Applies to: html container, output field, image

"ondrop": Initiates a client-side script when the mouse is released during a drag and drop operation. Information about the drag and drop operation is provided using the global pui.dragDropInfo object.

  • Applies to: html container, output field, image


"tab panel style": Identifies the look and feel of the tab panel.

  • Possible choices: "Simple", "Classic", "Glass", "Angle", "Glow", "Smooth", "Delicate", "Concrete", "Sky", "Block"
  • Applies to: tab panel

"tab names": This property identifies a comma separated list of tab names for a Tab Panel.

  • Applies to: tab panel

"active tab": This property specifies the initial active tab on a Tab Panel. Each tab within a Tab Panel is identified by a sequential index, starting with 0 for the first tab, 1 for the second tab, and so on. The default value for the active tab index is 0.

  • Applies to: tab panel

"ontabclick": Initiates a client-side script when a tab is clicked. The tab index is passed to the event as a parameter named "tab". If the client-side script evaluates to false, the tab will not be switched.

  • Applies to: tab panel

"parent tab panel": This property specifies the id of the Tab Panel to which this element belongs. The property is set automatically when you drag and drop the element onto a Tab Panel.

"parent tab": This property specifies the tab index of the specific tab to which this element belongs. Each tab within a Tab Panel is identified by a sequential index, starting with 0 for the first tab, 1 for the second tab, and so on. The property is set automatically when you drag and drop the element onto a Tab Panel.

"parent field set": This property specifies the id of the Field Set Panel to which this element belongs. The property is set automatically when you drag and drop the element onto a Field Set Panel.

File Upload

"selection mode": When set to "enhanced" the file upload control will allow for selection of multiple files at once from the browser's file selector. This is accomplished by SHIFT+Click or CNTRL+Click or CNTRL+A. When "standard" mode is used, the user must select each file for upload one by one. The default mode is "standard".<br /><br /><strong>Note: </strong>Not all browsers support "enhanced" mode. For example, Internet Explorer does not. In such browsers, the control will work in "standard" mode regardless of this setting.

  • Possible choices: "standard", "enhanced"
  • Applies to: file upload

"number of files": This property specifies the maximum number of files that can be uploaded at one time.

  • Applies to: file upload

"size limit": Specifies the size limit (in MB) for each file. The default value is 10.

  • Applies to: file upload

"target directory": This property specifies the IFS directory where uploaded files will be saved.

  • Applies to: file upload

"rename to": Specifies an alternate file name to be used when the uploaded file is saved.<br /><br />Note: This property is ignored when more than 1 file is uploaded.

  • Applies to: file upload

"overwrite files": Specifies the action to take when 1 or more files being saved already exists in the IFS target directory. When set to "true", the existing file(s) will be overwritten. When set to "false" an error will be returned and no files will be overwritten. The default setting is "false".

  • Possible choices: "true", "false"
  • Applies to: file upload

"allowed type": Specifies a MIME file type (as reported by the web browser) which is allowed to be uploaded. If not set, any file type will be allowed.<br /><br />To specify multiple types, right-click the property and select Add Another Allowed Type.

  • Possible choices: "text/plain", "application/vnd.ms-word", "application/vnd.ms-excel", "application/pdf", "image/gif", "image/jpg", "image/png", "Other..."
  • Applies to: file upload


"border bottom color": The color of the element's bottom side of the border.

"border bottom style": The style of the element's bottom side of the border.

  • Possible choices: "none", "dotted", "dashed", "solid", "double", "groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset"

"border bottom width": The thickness of the element's bottom side of the border.

  • Possible choices: "thin", "medium", "thick", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "Other..."

"border left color": The color of the element's left side of the border.

"border left style": The style of the element's left side of the border.

  • Possible choices: "none", "dotted", "dashed", "solid", "double", "groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset"

"border left width": The thickness of the element's left side of the border.

  • Possible choices: "thin", "medium", "thick", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "Other..."

"border right color": The color of the element's right bottom side of the border.

"border right style": The style of the element's right side of the border.

  • Possible choices: "none", "dotted", "dashed", "solid", "double", "groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset"

"border right width": The thickness of the element's right side of the border.

  • Possible choices: "thin", "medium", "thick", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "Other..."

"border top color": The color of the element's top side of the border.

"border top style": The style of the element's top side of the border.

  • Possible choices: "none", "dotted", "dashed", "solid", "double", "groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset"

"border top width": The thickness of the element's top side of the border.

  • Possible choices: "thin", "medium", "thick", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "Other..."


"padding bottom": Sets the distance between the bottom edge of the current element and the element's content.

  • Possible choices: "auto", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "6px", "7px", "8px", "9px", "Other..."

"padding left": Sets the distance between the left edge of the current element and the element's content.

  • Possible choices: "auto", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "6px", "7px", "8px", "9px", "Other..."

"padding right": Sets the distance between the right edge of the current element and the element's content.

  • Possible choices: "auto", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "6px", "7px", "8px", "9px", "Other..."

"padding top": Sets the distance between the top edge of the current element and the element's content.

  • Possible choices: "auto", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "6px", "7px", "8px", "9px", "Other..."


"css class": Defines a custom cascading style sheet class to assign to the element. To specify multiple classes, right-click the property and select Add Another CSS Class.

"focus class": Defines a custom cascading style sheet class for when the element receives focus.

  • Applies to: combo box, date field, password field, select box, spinner, text area, textbox


"cursor": Determines how the mouse cursor should look when hovering over the element. Valid options: default, crosshair, pointer, move, e-resize, ne-resize, nw-resize, n-resize, se-resize, sw-resize, s-resize, w-resize, text, wait, help.

  • Possible choices: "auto", "default", "crosshair", "pointer", "move", "e-resize", "ne-resize", "nw-resize", "n-resize", "se-resize", "sw-resize", "s-resize", "w-resize", "text", "wait", "help", "Other..."

"overflow x": Determines whether a horizontal scrollbar should be displayed for this element.

  • Possible choices: "visible", "hidden", "scroll", "auto"

"overflow y": Determines whether a vertical scrollbar should be displayed for this element.

  • Possible choices: "visible", "hidden", "scroll", "auto"

"tab index": Determines the tab order for input elements on the screen.

"tool tip": Defines the text to appear in a tool tip when the user hovers the mouse over this element.

"user defined data": Specifies user-defined general purpose data associated with the widget. To provide multiple user defined data values, right-click the property and select Add Another User Defined Value.

"visibility": Determines whether the element is visible or hidden. Hidden elements appear dimmed out in design mode, and invisible at runtime.

  • Possible choices: "hidden", "visible"


"onblur": Initiates a client-side script when the element loses focus.

"onchange": Initiates a client-side script when the element value is changed.

"onclick": Initiates a client-side script when the element is clicked.

"ondblclick": Initiates a client-side script when the element is double-clicked.

"onfocus": Initiates a client-side script when the element receives focus.

"onkeydown": Initiates a client-side script when a keyboard key is being pressed down on this element.

"onkeypress": Initiates a client-side script when the user presses and releases a keyboard key on this element.

"onkeyup": Initiates a client-side script when the user releases a keyboard key on this element.

"onmousedown": Initiates a client-side script when the mouse is pressed down on this element.

"onmousemove": Initiates a client-side script when the mouse is moving within this element.

"onmouseout": Initiates a client-side script when the mouse is moved off this element.

"onmouseover": Initiates a client-side script when the mouse is moved over this element.

"onmouseup": Initiates a client-side script when the mouse button is released off this element.

"onselect": Initiates a client-side script when a selection is made from the selection list of an auto-complete textbox or a combo box. In the case of an auto-complete textbox, the selected record is passed to the function as a JSON object that has properties named after the selected fields.

  • Applies to: combo box, textbox

"onspin": Initiates a client-side script when the up or down arrow is clicked on a spinner element.

  • Applies to: spinner