
This option was added in version 7.14.0

This option is used to run a custom JavaScript function when a product licensing event occurs. This can be used to notify IT staff when there is a product licensing issue.

The specified function is called with one argument, which is an Object with the following properties:

  • type (string) The type of event. Possible values are:

    • floating_license: A floating license event.

  • name (string) The name of the event. Possible values are:

    • activation_failure: This indicates that the instance was unable to activate a floating license seat at start up time. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as a configuration or authorization issue, lack of floating license seats, or a communication error. Details are recorded in the floating license log.

    • heartbeat_failure: This indicates that the instance failed to check in with the floating license server due to an authorization or communication error. Details are recorded in the floating license log.

    • seat_expires: This property is present for heartbeat_failure events. It is set to a Date object which indicates when the seat expires.


onLicenseEvent: function(event) { myNotifyFn(event); // Send email or text message, etc. }