This config property can be set to a custom function, which adds extra processing for all application runtime errors. The function can be used to provide additional notifications, such as emails or text messages to admin staff, when errors occur.
The function receives an information object parameter about the error. The object will have the following properties:
error - the JavaScript Error object
messageId - the error id
message - the error message
func - the function name where the error occurred
file - the JavaScript source code file name where the error ocurred
line - the line number where the error occurred
column - the line's column number where the error occurred
severity - the error's severity
stack - the error stack or a trace of which functions were called prior to the error
prettyLine - the actual line of source code formatted as HTML, with the error highlighted
prettyStack - the error stack formatted as HTML
errscrnData - screen data for the Profound UI Error Screen located in the puiscreens.json file
sessionId - the persistent Profound.js session id
user - IBM i user id (if applicable)
jobName - IBM i job name (if applicable)
jobNumber - IBM i job number (if applicable)
onerror: function(errInfo) {
var sendMessage = require("./sendTextToAdmin.js"); // This can be any custom API to send email or text messages to your admin staff
sendMessage("An error occurred in " + errorInfo.file + ": " + errInfo.message);
Click here for information on how to modify this setting.