

Specifies the default mode used when declaring rich display files and record level access database files. There are 2 possible values:

  • "case-sensitive"

  • "compatibility"

Compatibility mode makes field names case insensitive by defining all file fields in lower case.

There are several reasons why “compatibility” mode may be desired, especially when moving RPG Open Access applications to Profound.js: 

  • Field names in DDS-converted Rich Display Files are not case sensitive by default. 

  • The displays made with Visual Designer for RPG OA are not case sensitive, because RPG is not a case sensitive language. So, in order to reuse the same displays for RPG and Node.js without having to recreate and/or adjust everything for Node.js usage, “compatibility” mode may be used.

  • It is not uncommon to have the same field name appear in different types of declarations. The same field can appear in a declared physical file, a declared display file, and/or declared as a global field in a data structure – it is often important that all of these occurrences are treated as the same field.

Click here for information on how to modify this setting.