

This property specifies where Profound UI static files (htdocs) can be found.

On IBM i, the default location for Profound UI static files is /www/profoundui/htdocs, where profoundui is the Profound UI instance name.

Static files are used to locate images, CSS files, and client-side JavaScript code.

This property can be specified in 3 different ways:

  • As an absolute directory name (e.g. "/www/profoundui/htdocs")

  • As a directory name relative to the Profound.js installation direction (e.g. "htdocs"); this requires that you download a copy of the htdocs directory into your Profound.js installation directory, which can be accomplished during installation or by using the updatepui.js script

  • As a URL pointing to the Web server where Profound UI is installed and where the static files are hosted (e.g. "http://myibmi:8080"); this allows a development PC installation to point to an IBM i for its static files

Starting with Profound.js 6, the usage of this option has changed.

  • In PJS versions before 6, staticFilesDirectory MUST point to a Profound UI installation or Profound.js will not be functional.

  • Starting with version 6, Profound.js no longer requires a separate Profound UI installation. staticFilesDirectory can be used to optionally add web servable files (i.e. images, stylesheets, custom widgets, etc.) to the server. 

Click here for information on how to modify this setting.