customize function (Genie)

customize function (Genie)

customize() is a special function defined within a Genie skin. It is typically placed into the following IFS file:

/puidev/source/profoundui/userdata/genie skins/MySkin/custom.js

where MySkin is the name of the Genie skin.

The function allows you to customize a screen using JavaScript code. It is called by Genie after every screen is loaded but before any designer enhancements are applied.


function customize() { // Set specific container height if 132x27 mode is detected if (pui.genie.displaySize == 132) { pui.genie.middleDiv.style.height = "640px"; getObj("5250").style.position = "absolute"; var position = (screen.width - 1060) / 2; if (position < 0) position = 0; getObj("5250").style.left = position + "px"; } else { if (pui.genie.middleDiv != null) { pui.genie.middleDiv.style.height = ""; getObj("5250").style.position = "relative"; getObj("5250").style.left = ""; } } }