The pui.onload event, if defined, fires after each Rich Display Record Format is rendered. Â It is executed right before the screen's onload event.
The pui.onload method does not fire on Genie screens. Â For Genie screens, use the global customize() and afterLoad() events instead.
The pui.onload event receives one parameter object that has the following properties:
file - display file name
library - display file library
name - record format name
metaData - meta data for the screen definition, including screen-level properties and properties for each element
data - name/value pairs of the data rendered on the screen
ref - reference field information object
container - the DOM reference to the container where the format was rendered
pui.onload = function(config) {
// Position the footer based on the current screen height
var footer = getObj("myfooter"); // get a reference to the footer div
var footerTop = pui.getRuntimeContainerHeight() + 20; // calculate footer top position based on runtime container height
footer.style.top = footerTop + "px"; // assign the new top position