Global Variables
The following global variables are available in JavaScript coding in Profound UI:
pui.touchDevice (boolean): Set to true if running on a mobile touch device, such as iPad, iPhone, Android tablet, etc.
pui.genie.isCustomized (boolean): Set to true if the current Genie screen has been customized by the Visual Designer
pui.defaultDateFormt (text): The default date format for the date field and calendar icon
pui.genie.middleDiv (object): a reference to a div in start.html with id="middle". In most skins this div surrounds the main 5250 div that the 5250 content is rendered within. This div can be used to center and also resize the content div
pui.genie.subfileInfo (object): This is set when a subfile is detected on a Genie screen. If a subfile is not detected, pui.genie.subfileInfo will be null. The object has the following properties:
inputColumn - The position where the option input column was detected (this value is only available when Detect Subfile Patterns is not used)
choices - An array of option choices, such as Change, Copy, Delete, and Display
choiceValues - An array of option choice values, such as 2, 3, 4, and 5
pui.genie.alarm (boolean): Set to true if the 5250 ALARM has been sounded. Requires Profound UI 6 fix pack 2.0 or newer.