Node.js Loop/Condition Partial
Node.js Loop/Condition Partial
This action allows you to write custom server-side JavaScript code that defines a structure, such as a loop or a condition. Other actions can then be placed within the structure.
Enter code to start your loop or condition
The code should include a starting curly brace, but the ending curly brace should not be included because it is implied.
For example:
to create a loop that repeats 3 times, you can use something like this:
for (var x = 1; x <= 3; x++) {
to create a condition
if ((myVar >= 0 && myVar < 10 ) || (myVar >= 15 && myVar < 18)) {
Edit the description at the top to make the steps easier to read
This will appear as a set of brackets on the designer canvas.
You can then either drag other steps into the brackets or drag one of the brackets around other steps.
, multiple selections available,