Call External Routine
This plugin executes a Profound.js module.
The module called depends on how the pathlist works. That is, if the file that owns the plugin (that calls the external module) is part of a workspace, and is called via a workspace execution such as the “Launch Profoundjs Module” command, it will be limited to using modules within the same workspace (e.g. it will throw an error calling a module outside its workspace).
If the same file however is executed outside of its workspace such as via a PJSCALL command from IBMi, or via the initialModules setting, it can then call modules outside of its workspace. See more information about the pathlist and its constraints in this link.
Select module name
Choose a module to call.
When the file that uses this plugin is opened within its workspace, it will only show other modules within the same workspace as options.
Modules from other workspaces and directories can still be typed into the field and will be searched based on entries from the pathlist config option, but the file will need to be called from outside its workspace for the plugin to work.
Select routine name
Choose a routine to call
Set the input parameters, select or type a value.
The outputs can be placed into work variables or output properties.
After selecting the module name the Select routine name dropdown will appear populated with routines that are available in the module you selected.
After selecting the routine inputs will appear for the input or output parameters of the selected routine.