

The pjs.moveLeft() API allows you to move values from one variable to another, left adjusted, without any type checking. It has the same functionality as pjs.move(), but with the 'left-adjusted' paremeter always true.

The pjs.moveLeft() API moves and left adjusts a values from one field to another, without any type checking.

  1. Sourc - where you are taking data from

  2. Target name - where you are moving data into

  3. Date/Time/Timestamp format (optional)

  4. Pad (optional) - if passed in as true, the Target field is first cleared.

pjs.define("Name", { type: 'char', length: 3, initValue: 'MR.' }); pjs.define("First", { type: 'char', length: 6, initValue: ' SMITH' }); pjs.define("Result", { type: 'char', length: 9 }); pjs.moveLeft(Name + First, Result);

pjs.define("source1", { type: 'char', length: 5, initValue: 'ABCDE' }); pjs.define("target1", { type: 'char', length: 10, initValue: 'abcdefghij' });   pjs.moveLeft(source1, target1); // target1 = 'ABCDEfghij'

pjs.define("source1", { type: 'decimal', length: 5, decimals: 0, initValue: 12345 }); pjs.define("target1", { type: 'char', length: 10, initValue: 'abcdefghij' });   pjs.moveLeft(source1, target1); // target1 = '12345fghij'

RPG Equivalent