Server-side Typescript
You can write callable Profound.js modules using typescript with just a couple requirements.
Implement your logic within the class's constructor
Callable modules are just a single function call
Define global variables outside of the class
Within Profound.js, you strongly define variables with the pjs.define() API.
This is needed because typescript compile requires all variables to be defined
When calling a typescript module, you must include the ".ts" file extension on the API.
Here is an example of a javascript module (jsmodule.js) calling a typescript module (tsmodule1.ts):
function jsmodule() {
pjs.define("field1", { type: 'char', length: 25 });
pjs.define("field2", { type: 'integer', length: 10 });
pjs.define("field3", { type: 'timestamp'});
// Call a Typescript module and get back values"tsmodule1.ts", field1, field2, field3);
// See the results that were returned
console.log("field1:", field1);
console.log("field2:", field2);
console.log("field3:", field3.toISOString());
} = jsmodule;
Here is that typescript module
declare var pjs;
export class tsmodule1 {
constructor(p1:any, p2:any, p3:any) {
pjs.define("p1", { type: 'char', length: 25, refParm: p1 });
pjs.define("p2", { type: 'integer', length: 10, refParm: p2 });
pjs.define("p3", { type: 'timestamp', refParm: p3 });
p1 = "Here is some text";
p2 = p1.length;
p3 = new Date();
1) Notice that variable pjs is declared outside of the class.
2) Notice that the logic is implemented within the class constructor
Here is an example of a typescript module used as a web service:
declare var pjs;
declare var productsp;
declare var pds;
export class tsmodule2 {
constructor(request: any, res: any) {
pjs.defineTable("productsp", "pjstest/productsp", { read: true, keyed: true });
pjs.define("pds", { type: 'data structure', likeRec: 'products' });
var pid =;
if (pid)
pid = Number(pid.trim());
if (!pid || isNaN(pid)) {
res.send(`Query parameter pid is required to be a number. Value sent was [${}]`);
productsp.getRecord([pid], false, null, pjs.ds("pds"));
To register this as a webservice in Profound.js, open your start.js and add the standard line, just remember to add the .ts file extension.
To register this as a webservice in Profound.js Spaces, right click on that file and choose properties, and then setup the routing path.