

This property initiates a client-side script to run after a container is rendered lazily. The tab panel layout and the accordion layout widgets support this property if the "lazy load" property is set to true.

For example, if a tab layout has its "lazy load" property set to true, and the user clicks a tab that hasn't been previously clicked, then the screen will execute the JavaScript set in the "onlazyload" property.

The event only executes once: when an inactive tab renders for the first time (tab panel layout), or the inactive accordion section renders for the first time because the user clicked the tab or section.

Custom JavaScript can use the lazyContainerNum variable to identify which tab is loading. lazyContainerNum is zero for the first tab, one for the second tab, etc.


If you had a grid in a lazy-loaded tab, and you wanted the grid to do something when it loaded, you would need to put JavaScript in the tab panel's "onlazyload" event, not the screen's "onload" event.

if (lazyContainerNum == 1){ getObj("Grid1").grid.scrollToRow(20); }