This API finds an element in a table array and positions the table to that element.
An optional resulting indicators object can specify if any elements in the flags array should be set. The resulting indicators object can have these properties:
equal (Number) - identifies the flag number to set if an exact match is found
low (Number) - identifies the flag number to set if the nearest lower entry is found
high (Number) - identifies the flag number to set if the nearest higher entry is found
Search argument
Table array
Alternate table array OR resulting indicators object (optional)
resulting indicators object (optional)
Search type (optional) - String value of "LE", "LT", "GE", or "GT" can specify a less than or equal to, a less than, a greater than or equal to, or a greater than search instead of an exact match search
Example 1
pjs.define("tab1", { type: 'char', length: 2, dim: 5, table: true, initValue: [ '01', '02', '03', '04', '05' ] });
pjs.define("output", { type: 'char', length: 52, varying: true });
if (pjs.tableLookup('02', tab1)) {
output = 'Cleared. ';
if (pjs.tableLookup('03', tab1)) {
output += 'Other entries still there.';
Example 2
pjs.define("var1", { type: 'decimal', length: 2, decimals: 0, initValue: 4 });
pjs.define("var2", { type: 'decimal', length: 2, decimals: 0, initValue: 20 });
pjs.define("tabsearch", { type: 'decimal', length: 2, decimals: 0, dim: 10, table: true, initValue: [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 ] });
pjs.tableLookup(var1, tabsearch, { equal: 71 });
pjs.tableLookup(var2, tabsearch, { equal: 72 });
if (flags[71] && !flags[72]) {
//var1 value found, var2 value not found
Example 3
pjs.define("var1", { type: 'decimal', length: 2, decimals: 0, initValue: 4 });
pjs.define("tabsearch", {
type: 'decimal',
length: 2,
decimals: 0,
dim: 10,
table: true,
orderby: 'ASCEND', initValue: [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 ]
pjs.tableLookup(var1, tabsearch, { equal: 66 });
RPG Equivalent