ondbload event
The ondbload event runs whenever data has been loaded from the database into a database-driven widget.
There is a variable that is pre-set when this event is run.
response - information about the database response. This is an object ("data structure") that contains the following fields:
success - a boolean field set to true or false. When true, the data has been retrieved and loaded into the widget. When false, the error field will be populated.
id - the id of the widget that was loaded
error - an object containing the error that occured. It contains the following subfields:
operation - the operation being performed when the error occurred
id - error id
text - first level text of error
text2 - second level text of the error
This event is commonly used with the pui.showLastError() API to display an error when the SQL statement to load a database driven grid fails.
Example: To pop-up an error when the SQL statement to load a database-driven grid fails:
if (!response.success) {
Example: To format your own custom error message:
if (!response.success) {
var message = "Database load for " + response.id + " failed!\n"
+ "Reason: " + response.error.id + " - " + response.error.text;
Example: You may wish to hide a widget when an error occurred, or show it if it loaded successfully:
if (response.success) {
applyProperty(response.id, "visibility", "visible");
else {
applyProperty(response.id, "visibility", "hidden");