

The pjs.char() API will convert a value into a character representation. 

  1. Value or Field

  2. Format (optional) - can be used if a date or time value is passed in

Example 1: packed decimal -> char
pjs.define("s", { type: 'packed decimal', length: 3, decimals: 0, initValue: 4 }); pjs.define("c", { type: 'char', length: 5, varying: true }); c = pjs.char(s); return c; // "4 "
Example 2: date -> char
pjs.define("datefld", { type: 'date', initValue: pjs.date('2016-06-13') }); pjs.define("out1", { type: 'char', length: 10 }); pjs.define("out2", { type: 'char', length: 10 }); pjs.define("out3", { type: 'char', length: 6 }); out1 = pjs.char(datefld); out2 = pjs.char(datefld, "*usa"); out3 = pjs.char(datefld, "*mdy0");

RPG Equivalent