pui.show( config )
This function allows you to show a Rich Display File screen outside of the normal Profound UI session flow. It can be used to build stateless or offline applications.
config object - JavaScript object containing configuration properties
Configuration Options:
path - path to an IFS file, local file packaged within PhoneGap, or any URL containing the meta definition of a Rich Display File; can also point to a DDS source member using the format LIBRARY/FILE(SOURCE)
method - HTTP method used to retrieve the path (optional); if not specified, the "GET" method is used
meta - JavaScript object containing the meta definition; used as an alternative to path
screen - the name of the record format to display
screens - an array of formats to display at one time; used as an alternative to format
data - JavaScript object containing the name/value pairs of the data to populate to the screen
handler - JavaScript function to handle the response from the user; the function will receive a response object containing name/value pairs for response data, including input filled out by user and any buttons or hyperlinks clicked on by user
transition - provides a screen transition animation by specifying an object with the following properties:
animation - identifies the CSS class for the screen transition animation (e.g. slide-right, slide-left, slide-down, slide-up, fade, zoom-in, zoom-out); required for the transition effect
screen - specifies whether the previous screen is animated away to reveal the new screen ("previous") or the new screen is animated on top of the previous screen ("new"); applicable only when the animation property is specified; if not specified, the default value is "new"
overlay - determines if both the previous and the newly rendered screen should remain after the animation completes; this is useful in presenting a mobile pop-up menu screen or similar; applicable only when the animation property is specified; applicable only when the animation property is specified; defaults to false if not specified
These properties override the Transition Animation properties defined in the Rich Display screen definition.
container - alternate DIV container to render the display into
The following function displays the Hello World record format without any RPG coding, using JavaScript only.
var data = { "TXTNAME": "" }; // initialize data for the screen
function hello() {
//path: "/helloScreen.json", // get meta definition from IFS path
path: "PUISAMPLES/QDDSSRC(HELLO002D)", // get meta definition from DDS source member
data: data,
handler: function(response) {
pui.applyResponse(data, response); // update data object based on response
//so that the data redisplays when the screen is shown again
if (response["BTNEXIT"] == "1") { // exit button was pressed
alert("Good Bye");
document.body.innerHTML = ""; // clear the screen
else {
data["NAME"] = "Hello " + data["TXTNAME"]; // greet the person
hello(); // redisplay the screen