Run Custom SQL

Run Custom SQL

This action executes a custom SQL statement and optionally saves the results to a screen, grid, variable, or property.

Select a database

If Profound.js has been configured for multiple connections, this allows you to select the appropriate database connection for this step. If a database is not selected, the default connection will be used.

SQL Statement

Enter an SQL statement. For dynamic parameter markers, use the question mark (?) character. For every question mark, a new question will appear that allows you to provide a dynamic value.

Save Query Result

Check this box to retrieve query results for any SQL statement that returns data, such as a SELECT statement.

Use First Record Only

Check this box if you're looking to retrieve just one record rather than a list of records.

Where do you want to place the record(s)?

The record(s) can be placed into a grid, screen, work variable, or property.

Enter work variable name

A work variable is accessible by other steps within the same routine. Some work variables, like 'activeGridRecord' are implied and don't have to be explicitely defined by you.

Enter API output property name

The API output object represents the data sent in response to the API request.