Security Store Configuration

Security Store Configuration

Setting up a Security Store allows you to specify the database where you want the security information stored. This step is required in order to use Role based security.

On the Home Ribbon, Click API Options and choose Security Store Configuration

Select the Database connection and, if required, the database schema.
This will create the Security Store using the entered schema name.

For IBMi connections, the schema name must be the name of a new schema. (To use an existing Security Store see the section below)  Entering the name of a schema that already exists will result in the following message:

Also, for IBMi connections, when the security store is set up the system will set up the tables in the schema to be journalled.  Journalling is required for the security store when using an IBMi connection.

Using an Existing Security Store

The Security Store configuration information is stored in a file in the instance folder called securitystore.config.json. If you have an existing security store that you would like to use for a new instance you can do so by creating or updating this file. 

The format of the JSON in the file is shown below. 

  • connectionName - this is the name of the connection you wish to use as defined in the config.js file databaseConnections section

  • schema - the name of the schema (IBM i library) that the security store is located in. 

The location you specify must already contain a valid Security Store created using the process described above.