Find element in a table array. You can also use pjs.equal() to determine the result of pjs.tableLookup().
- Search argument
- Table array
- Alternate table array OR resulting indicators
- resulting indicators (if alternate table array has been passed in) OR null
- Search type - "LE", "LT". "GE", "GT". Can be null.
pjs.define("tab1", { type: 'char', length: 2, dim: 5, table: true, initValue: [ '01', '02', '03', '04', '05' ] }); pjs.define("output", { type: 'char', length: 52, varying: true }); if (pjs.tableLookup('02', tab1)) { pjs.clear(tab1); output = 'Cleared. '; if (pjs.tableLookup('03', tab1)) { output += 'Other entries still there.'; } }
pjs.define("var1", { type: 'decimal', length: 2, decimals: 0, initValue: 4 }); pjs.define("var2", { type: 'decimal', length: 2, decimals: 0, initValue: 20 }); pjs.define("tabsearch", { type: 'decimal', length: 2, decimals: 0, dim: 10, table: true, initValue: [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 ] }); pjs.tableLookup(var1, tabsearch, { equal: 71 }); pjs.tableLookup(var2, tabsearch, { equal: 72 }); if (flags[71] && !flags[72]) { //var1 value found, var2 value not found }
pjs.define("var1", { type: 'decimal', length: 2, decimals: 0, initValue: 4 }); pjs.define("tabsearch", { type: 'decimal', length: 2, decimals: 0, dim: 10, table: true, orderby: 'ASCEND', initValue: [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 ] }); pjs.tableLookup(var1, tabsearch, { equal: 66 }); console.log(pjs.equal());
RPG Equivalent