AWS Bedrock Models

AWS Bedrock Models

Requesting Model Access

Sign into the AWS Console and select the Amazon Bedrock Service.

Next, select Model access, and then click on Manage model access.

Request access to Text-based models, such as Anthropic Claude.

Creating an Access Key

Sign into the AWS Console and select the Identity and Access Management (IAM) Service. Then, select Users under Access management.

Locate or create a user that is authorized to access Amazon Bedrock. Under the user’s Security credentials area, find Access keys, and create a new Access Key. Place the Access Key Id and the Secret Access Key into your configuration.

For example:

models: { "AWS Bedrock - Claude 2": { provider: "anthropic", cloud: "aws", model: "anthropic.claude-v2:1", awsAccessKey: "......", awsSecretKey: "......", awsRegion: "us-west-2" } }

Installing Bedrock SDK

Prior to using models from AWS Bedrock, you must install the AWS SDK within your Profound AI installation.

For Anthropic models, use the commands below:

npm install @anthropic-ai/bedrock-sdk npm install fast-xml-parser

For other models, use the following command:

npm install aws-sdk