Converting Low Code to Node.js
Profound API provides options for converting a single Low Code step or an entire API Route or Module Routine to JavaScript.
If you wish to view the JavaScript that will be run by the Low Code but you want to continue to use the Low Code, you can use these options to convert to JavaScript but then close the file without saving so you can reopen it and continue with the Low Code.
If you convert and save a file you can not convert back to Low Code.
Convert a Single Step
Click the edit icon on a step. Then click the JS icon in the upper right corner.
After a confirmation dialog the step will be displayed as code.
If you click the OK button the step will be saved as code and can not be converted back to low code.
You can click the x in the upper right corner to close without saving.
Convert a Route or Routine
With Route or Routine you wish to convert opened, click on the </> code icon at the top of the design canvas.
After a confirmation dialog the entire Route or Routine will be converted to Node.js code and opened in a JavaScript editor in the canvas area.
If you wish to maintain the low code, you can close the file without saving.