
This option was added in Profound.js 6.0.0

This option controls the behavior of Profound.js's module transformation process when calls to async Profound.js APIs are detected within an array iteration function, such as forEach().

See section What is Module Transformation? in Coding With Promises in Profound.js for more information.

Valid values are:

  • "none": Do nothing

  • "warn": Log a message to stderr for each detected case

  • "throw": Throw an error for the first detected case

  • "transform": Attempt to transform the coding so that the array iteration functions will run in series

If this option is not specified, the default behavior is "transform".

This option can also be overridden for an individual Profound.js program by including a comment anywhere in the code containing the text PROFOUNDJS_asyncArrayIteration=VALUE, where VALUE is one of those above. The text is case-sensitive.


Set in config.js
"asyncArrayIteration": "throw"

Click here for information on how to modify this setting.

Override in Program
// PROFOUNDJS_asyncArrayIteration=none