Replicating a Profound.js Instance (IBM i)
This section describes how to replicate Profound.js to other servers. In order to successfully replicate your Profound.js instance, you should replicate the following:
The entire /profoundjs-base directory structure on the IFS
If the /profoundjs-base/key file exists, you should NOT replicate this file. License keys are system specific and will only work properly for the system that the key was created for.
- The PJS_BASE library
- The PROFOUNDJS user profile
- The QUSRSYS library (the information that defines the *PJS server type for STRTCPSVR/ENDTCPSVR is stored in a table QATOCSTART in this library)
- Any Profound.js installation directories on the IFS (this is the directory that the user runs the npm install profoundjs command in)
- Any Profound.js connector libraries (these are prompted for by the Profound.js installation script that runs when you use the npm install profoundjs command. The default is PROFOUNDJS)
Profound UI
We also recommend that you replicate the Profound UI installation that is associated with this Profound.js instance, as well. Profound.js relies on some of the components that are installed with Profound UI and will prompt for the library where Profound UI is installed when running the npm install profoundjs command.
You should replicate the Profound UI instance that corresponds with the library you provided on the Profound.js installation command using the instructions here.
If you're using MIMIX or other replication software, please refer to the MIMIX and Replication Software documentation page for more information about known installation issues in regards to MIMIX.