The define API is used to declare fields that you will be using in your programs.
- Field name (string)
- Config (object)
Config object
A config object is required when defining all fields. It what gives your field attributes, like length, decimal places, dimensions, etc. Available means the element is optional.
Element name | Element type | Description |
type | String | There are the following types available in Profound.js
Some config elements only apply to certain types. |
length | Number | Required on all types other than
decimals | Number | Required on types
varying | Boolean | Available to char type. |
initValue | String/Number/Boolean | Available to all data types. |
dim | Number | Available to all data types. Using dim makes your field into an array. Arrays are 1-indexed. |
orderby | String | Available to all types when dim element is used. Either of these values are required:
elements | Object | Required when using data-structure type. Read about data-structures below. |
qualified | Boolean | Available when using data structure type. |
special | String | Available to data-structure subfields. Acceptable values are: PSDS
nullable | Boolean / String | Available to all data types, except from the data-structure type. Only use this attribute if you this field to be null-capable.
likerec | Object | Available when using data structure type. This object requires two elements.
dataArea | String | Available to all data types, except from the pointer type. String pointing to data-area object. Example values:
Example 1: packed decimal
pjs.define("Num", { type: 'packed decimal', length: 3, decimals: 2 }); Num = 5;
Example 2: date with initValue
pjs.define("loandate", { type: 'date', initValue:'2000-01-01') });
Example 3: char field with pointer to that field
pjs.define("stg", { type: 'char', length: 4 }); pjs.define("ptr", { type: 'pointer', initValue: pjs.getBuffer("stg") });
Example 4: char field array with initValue
This does mean that every element in this array will be initilized with the initValue.
pjs.define("arr", { type: 'char', length: 10, dim: 3, initValue: '0123456789' });
When you declare a field of data-structure type, this means you need to provide an 'elements' object. Each key in this object will be the name of the subfield and the value of this key will be another config element. If a data-structure is qualified, the data-structure will act similar to a JavaScript object.
Example 5: data-structure with two subfields (non-qualified)
pjs.define("someDS", { type: 'data structure', elements: { "Field1": { type: 'char', length: 10, initValue: '1' }, "Field2": { type: 'char', length: 10 } }}); Field2 = '2';
Example 6: data-structure array, qualified and two subfields
pjs.define("dsarr", { type: 'data structure', qualified: true, dim: 2, elements: { "field1": { type: 'char', length: 1 }, "field2": { type: 'char', length: 1 } }}); dsarr[1].field1 = '1'; dsarr[1].field2 = '2'; dsarr[2].field1 = '3'; dsarr[2].field2 = '4';
Example 7: Null-capable field with null assignment
pjs.define("myNumber", { type: 'packed decimal', length: 10, decimals: 0, nullable: true }); //Set value to 5 myNumber = 5; //Set null-indicator to true myNumber = null; //Set value to 10, sets the null-indicator to false myNumber = 10; //Set null-indicator to true pjs.nullInd(myNumber, true);