These properties may be used to describe a given item (or "widget") on the screen. They are expressed within the "items" array of each format.
"id": Specifies the ID of the current element. ID's are used to access the element using CSS and JavaScript code.
"chart response": Specifies a response field to be populated with the name of the data point selected by the user.
- Applies to: chart
Font and Text
"color": Defines the color of the text inside the given element.
- Possible choices: "normal", "-3px", "-2px", "-1px", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "6px", "7px", "8px", "9px", "10px", "11px", "12px", "13px", "14px", "15px", "16px", "17px", "18px", "19px", "20px", "21px", "22px", "23px", "24px", "25px", "Other..."
Field Settings
"ajax url": Specifies the content url for an ajax container.
- Applies to: button, output field, styled button, text area, textbox
"mandatory entry": When set to true, the user must modify the field by typing at least one character into the input box. A blank is a valid character.
"error messages": Identifies error messages to be displayed in association with this element.
"error message": Text to be displayed for this Message
"error message id": ID field for this Message
"error message file": File to use for this Message
"error message library": Library where Message File is located.
"replacement data":
"error condition":
- Possible choices: "true", "false", "send data"
- Applies to: button, styled button, graphic button, hyperlink, image, menu, tab panel, chart
Auto-Complete Choices
Selection Choices
Menu Options
"choices": Specifies the options for a select box (dropdown or list box), text field with autocomplete, combo box, or menu. The options should be comma separated. To specify submenus for a menu, indent the choices using a dash or a series of dashes.
"onoptionclick": Initiates a client-side script when a menu option is clicked. The choice value is passed to the event as a parameter named "value". The choice text is passed to the event as a parameter named "text".
- Applies to: menu
"choices database file": Database file to be used for a dynamic database-driven dropdown box, list box, or text field with autocomplete. Specify it in the format 'database file' or 'library/database file'.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
- Applies to: textbox
Dynamic Selection
"choices url": Sets the url to a Web service that returns the choice options and values in JSON format. If a choices url is used, the database file, choice options field, choice value field, and max choices properties are ignored.
- Applies to: combo box, select box, textbox
Chart Settings
"chart type": Identifies the type of chart to display. The chart type maps to a .swf flash file in the proddata/charts folder on the IFS. If Flash is not available, HTML5 is used to render the chart.
"onchartclick": Initiates a client-side script when a chart section is clicked. The name of the chart section is passed to the event as a parameter named "name".
- Applies to: chart
Chart Data
"names": Specifies a list of names representing the data points on the chart or a list of screen element id's from which the names could be retrieved. The list should be comma separated.
"values": Specifies a list of numerical values used to build the chart or a list of screen element id's from which the values could be retrieved. The list should be comma separated.
- Applies to: chart
Database-Driven Chart
"database file": Database file to use for the chart's data source. Specify it in the format 'database file' or 'library/database file'.
"record limit": Sets a limit on how many records are to be used in the chart.
- Applies to: chart
Dynamic Chart
"chart url": Sets the url to a web service that returns the chart definition and data in XML format as specified in the FusionCharts Data Formats section of the FusionCharts documentation site:
"chart json": Sets the JSON data for the chart as specified in the FusionCharts Data Formats section of the FusionCharts documentation site The data can be provided as a string or as a JavaScript object through the use of property scripting.
- Applies to: chart
"background color": Defines the background color of the given element.
- Possible choices: "repeat-x", "repeat-y", "no-repeat", "repeat"
"left": Represents the x-coordinate of the current element. Specify in pixels or as a percentage.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
Drag and Drop
"allow drag": This property determines if the element can be drag and dropped.
- Applies to: html container, output field, image
"tab panel style": Identifies the look and feel of the tab panel.
"parent field set": This property specifies the id of the Field Set Panel to which this element belongs. The property is set automatically when you drag and drop the element onto a Field Set Panel.
File Upload
"selection mode": When set to "enhanced" the file upload control will allow for selection of multiple files at once from the browser's file selector. This is accomplished by SHIFT+Click or CNTRL+Click or CNTRL+A. When "standard" mode is used, the user must select each file for upload one by one. The default mode is "standard".<br /><br /><strong>Note: </strong>Not all browsers support "enhanced" mode. For example, Internet Explorer does not. In such browsers, the control will work in "standard" mode regardless of this setting.
- Possible choices: "text/plain", "application/", "application/", "application/pdf", "image/gif", "image/jpg", "image/png", "Other..."
- Applies to: file upload
"border bottom color": The color of the element's bottom side of the border.
- Possible choices: "thin", "medium", "thick", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "Other..."
"padding bottom": Sets the distance between the bottom edge of the current element and the element's content.
- Possible choices: "auto", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "6px", "7px", "8px", "9px", "Other..."
"css class": Defines a custom cascading style sheet class to assign to the element. To specify multiple classes, right-click the property and select Add Another CSS Class.
- Applies to: combo box, date field, password field, select box, spinner, text area, textbox
"cursor": Determines how the mouse cursor should look when hovering over the element. Valid options: default, crosshair, pointer, move, e-resize, ne-resize, nw-resize, n-resize, se-resize, sw-resize, s-resize, w-resize, text, wait, help.
- Possible choices: "hidden", "visible"
"onblur": Initiates a client-side script when the element loses focus.