- Suppose you have a customer address file CUSTADRP with the following fields
- CUSTNO: zoned(4:0)
- NAMENAME: char(30)
- STREETSTREET: char(30)
- CITY: char(20)
- STATE: char(2)
- POSTAL: char(10)
- The fields NAME, STREET, CITY are defined on the Rich Display File with their normal sizes.
- However, you want to be able to send very large data (> 32K) for those fields to the Rich Display Fiel at WRITE or EXFMT time.
- The example program uses procedure profoundui_overrideValue() to override the value for those fields (NAME, CITY, STREET), using data from the big fields “bigName”, “bigStreet”, “bigCity”, before doing WRITE or EXFMT to the record format,
- The large fields can be type CHAR, VARCHAR, or CLOB, as shown in the example.