This API binds parameters to a prepared statement.
Before using this API, you must call pjs.prepare(), so that you can pass in the handle from that call.
The API can also be called in the form of a method attached to a statement object as follows: stmt.bindParameters().
- The handle created by pjs.prepare(). This parameter is omitted, if the API is called as a statement method.
- An array of parameters for each SQL parameter marker. Each element in the array must be another array, where the first element is the value of the parameter and the second is the parameter type. For example:
pjs.define("productsp_out", { type: 'data structure', qualified: true, dim: 50, elements: { "prid": { type: "packed decimal", length: 5, decimals: 0, initValue: 105 }, "prname": { type: "char", length: 30 }, "prdesc": { type: "char", length: 60 } }}) pjs.define("searchQuery", { type: "char", length: 30 }); var c1; pjs.connect("*LOCAL"); pjs.clear(productsp_out); searchQuery = '%' + 'Garmin' + '%'; c1 = pjs.prepare("select prid, prname, prdesc from demolib/productsp where prdesc like ? order by prid"); pjs.bindParameters(c1, [ [searchQuery.trim(), pjs.SQL_PARAM_INPUT] ]); pjs.execute(c1); pjs.fetch(c1, productsp_out, 50); pjs.close(c1); pjs.disconnect();
This API requires the Profound.js Connector module.