Added since Profound.js 7.9.0.
Only available for PJS on IBMi machines.
When using PJSCall via an IBMi or using Genie to access PJS modules, the path searched by the API defaults to using IBMi’s libraries unless a “Directory” parameter is included.
To be able to include the config.js pathlist setting when using PJSCall, add “appendPJSPathlist” to the config.js and set it to true:
appendPJSPathlist: true
This will then append all the entries of the pathlist setting into the search list when using PJSCall via IBMi or Genie.
That means, a PJSCall that uses a directory to access a module, i.e.
PJSCALL module(mymodule) directory('moddir')
Willl not require the directory parameter if that module is inside a folder that’s part of the config.js pathlist:
pathlist: [ "dir1", "dir2", "dir3", "moddir" ]
PJSCALL module(mymodule)
For more information on how to use config.js' pathlist setting, visit this link: pathlist