


This API executes a prepared statement. It should be be called after parameter binding.

The API can also be called in the form of a method attached to a statement object as follows: stmt.execute().

  1. Handle from a prepared statement. This parameter can be omitted if the API is called as a statement method.

Exception Handling

SQL diagnostics are reported in the SQLCA:


SQLCA fields are defined in Profound.js programs with the names in lowercase. sqlcode will be set to zero if execution was successful.

Called directly
var searchTerm = '%' + search + '%'; var sql = 'SELECT * FROM products WHERE prname LIKE ? OR prdesc LIKE ?'; var c1 = pjs.prepare(sql); pjs.setStmtAttr(c1, SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_SCROLLABLE, SQL_TRUE); pjs.bindParameters(c1, [searchTerm, searchTerm]); pjs.execute(c1);


Called as a method
var searchTerm = '%' + search + '%'; var sql = 'SELECT * FROM products WHERE prname LIKE ? OR prdesc LIKE ?'; var c1 = pjs.prepare(sql); c1.setAttr(SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_SCROLLABLE, SQL_TRUE); c1.bindParameters([searchTerm, searchTerm]); c1.execute();



When using an IBM i database, this API requires the Profound.js Connector module.