Deploying in Docker Containers / Kubernetes
The best way to deploy in Docker or Kubernetes is to use the official Profound.js docker image as a base for a custom image. See here for details:
The floating license authorization code and user data can be set using environment variables when starting the container. For example:
docker run --name pjs -d -p 8081:8081 --env PJS_FLOATING_AUTHORIZATION=plls_api_xxx --env PJS_FLOATING_USER_DATA=my_user_data my_custom_image
To deploy in Kubernetes, the envFrom field of a Pod specification can be used to set the necessary environment variables from a Kubernetes ConfigMap or Secret. See the Kubernetes documentation for information on how to set environment variables in containers running under Kubernetes.
The container will attempt to request a seat when started up, and will deactivate the seat automatically when the container is stopped using normal methods (i.e. docker stop) or if the container is restarted by Docker or Kubernetes due to the process crashing. Note: Floating seat deactivation will not work automatically if the container is force killed, for example by using docker kill or kubectl delete pod –force.
Before deploying in a production environment, it’s recommended to test first to ensure that your containers can communicate properly with the licensing server for seat activation/deactivation.