Files tab

Files tab

The Files tab provides a shortcut to the install directory tree for your installation.

The initial install of the profound.js framework with the Profound API license will provide the layout and files shown above. 

  • The root folder will be the folder where you installed Profound API. In the above example Profound API was installed on a Windows system in the folder C:\papi. Your top level will depend on the installation system and folder.

  • htdocs folder - This folder contains static graphic elements for the framework as well as a userdata folder where you can store additional files. htdocs folder

  • logs folder 

  • modules folder - This is the folder where you will store your API and Module code. When you create a Workspace a new folder is created in the modules folder. modules folder

  • node_modules folder - This folder stores all of the framework dependencies as well as any JavaScript files for packages that your install. This is a standard Node folder.

  • call.js -  JavaScript file for calling modules

  • complete_install.js - used after installation or updates to complete installation processes

  • config.js - This is the configuration file for this instance. You will make changes to this file to adjust properties of Profound API. For more information Configuration File Details

  • package-lock.json - This is a standard Git repo file. It will appear when installed on any system that supports the Git integration.

  • package.json - This is a standard Git repo file. It will appear when installed on any system that supports the Git integration.

  • start.js - The is the Node application that starts up the Profound API installation. Starting and Ending Instances

  • store_credentials.js - This Node program is a utility you can run from the command line to create an encrypted credentials file. This is specific to connecting to a remote IBM i instance.  connectorCredentials