Customizing Favicon

Customizing Favicon

This document will walk you through how to customize your browser's favicon icon, changing it from the Profound Logic icon to something of your choice.

Customizing for a Rich Display File 

Locate the image you want to replace the Profound Logic icon with, and make sure that the file is in PNG format. Next, navigate to your instances /htdocs directory in the IFS, you can easily do this using software like WinSPC. Place the image under the /htdocs directory. However, please keep in mind that if your instance is named PROFOUNDUI you'd need to place the PNG image within /www/profoundui/htdocs. You can place it anywhere under /htdocs but, it has to be there for the browser to access it. 

Then add the following <link> tag to the <head> section of your instances start.html file.

<link href="/profoundui/userdata/images/YOUR-IMAGE.png" rel="shortcut icon" />

Customizing for Genie

 Following the same instructions above but instead, add the <link> tag to your Genie skin's start.html file using the Genie Administrator.


Editing the Genie Hybrid skin Favicon from the Profound Logic icon to a color wheel.