Initial Sort Column

Initial Sort Column


This property specifies the column used for initial sorting. Each grid column is identified by a sequential index, starting with 0 for the first column, 1 for the second column, and so on. If the property is omitted or set to blanks, sorting is not initiated when the grid is first rendered.

Promptable? NO
Possible Values: Any valid column number
Bindable? YES
Products: Profound UI


When binding this property to a field, it's important to use the 'Show Zero Balance' option in the binding dialog for the bound field. Otherwise, this can cause problems with the column index number that is sent back to the program. 


Multi-Column Sorting

When "initial sort column" is bound to a character field and is a comma-separated list, then the grid indicates that each column in the list is sorted; in which case, Default Sort Order determines the sort direction indicated.

Multi-sort is available with Profound UI Version 6 Fix Packs after 2.1. ("initial sort column" cannot be bound to character fields until after Fix Pack 2.1)