

This function turns a normal screen (one that was not originally defined as a window in the 5250 application) into a window.  It is typically used in combination with the saveScreenImage() API.

This method sets Genie in a state that must be cleared with stopShowingAsWindow(), or else Genie Designer will not show the correct screen.

Optional Parameters:

  • scrollingFlag (Boolean) - false by default. When false, the window is 85% opaque when dragging. When true, the window remains 100% opaque.

  • reverseFlag (Boolean) - false by default. Used by designer to back out element positioning changes.

Example Usage:

Place saveScreenImage() in the onload event of the Work With Spooled Files screen.  Place showAsWindow() in the onpageload event of the Display Spooled File screen.  When option 5 is selected to display a spooled file, it will now appear as a draggable window on top of the Work With Spooled Files screen.