Using Radio Buttons

Using Radio Buttons


Sample code:
Display file source:                 PUISAMPLES/QDDSSRC(CHECK001D)
RPGLE source:                      PUISAMPLES/QRPGLESRC(CHECK001R)

Radio buttons come in groups.  Only one radio button within a group can be selected, or checked, at any one time.  To create a radio button group, drag several radio button widgets onto the canvas.  Then, bind their radio button group properties to the same variable.  A quick way to do this is to drag your mouse over the radio buttons to select them all at the same time.

This will allow you to use the Properties Window to modify the radio button group property on all the elements within the current selection.

Next, for each radio button, specify the value property.  The value will be placed into the variable bound to the radio button group property, if that radio button is selected by the user at runtime.