Retrieves all of the screen-level properties of a record format.
Available in Version 5, Fix Pack 14.0 or later.
- Record Format Name (optional)
Return Value
- If record format name is passed:
- An object that contains all of the screen-level properties
- False, if record format name could not be found
- An array of objects each representing each record format currently displayed
- False, if no record format is found
Retrieve Array of Displayed Record Formats
var recs = pui.getAllScreenProps(); // returns an array of record formats that are currently displayed. var userData = rec[0]['user defined data']; // returns the value of the user defined data property for the first record in the recs array.
Retrieve Object of Record Format Properties
var myRec = pui.getAllScreenProps('CTL'); // returns an object containing all the defined screen properties for the 'CTL' record format. var userData = myRec['user defined data']; // returns the value of the user defined data property.
, multiple selections available,