Refer to Using Workspaces for more details. In this PJS Tips section, we will create a workspace called "pjstips", and all examples will be created in that workspace.
- In the PJS IDE, click New/Workspace; then Enter the workspace name as "pjstips". Click Create.
- A new workspace named "pjstips" is created, with a URL such as http://localhost:8081/ide/pjstips. Bookmark this URL. From this point on, you should navigate to this URL to work with that workspace.
Info Note that in this PJS tips section, the PJS instance runs on a PC at port 8081, so the examples URL's will be in the format of http://localhost:8081/xxx. If your PJS instance runs on an IBMi system at a different port number, the URL's will be in the format of http://hostName:portNumber/xxx. Please change the URL's to use the correct host/port where needed.