- Ability for legacy code (existing RPG and CL) to start utilizing any Node.js module, and immediately realize the benefits of the open source ecosystem, including the use of Web services, npm, IoT, and Watson in your applications
- Ability to modernize RPG to Node in a step by step iterative manner, rather than using an “all or nothing” approach
- IBM i DB2 Node.js driver for both Record Level Access and SQL operations, including support for overrides and QTEMP in an interactive job
- Ability for Node.js modules to act like native ILE programs on IBM i
- Ability to call RPG, CL, and COBOL programs seamlessly
- Capability to call 5250 green-screen interactive commands from Node, and having them render as HTML5 on-the-fly
- Ability for Node.js to be called from RPG, CL, or the command line using a standard IBM i CALL
- Seamless handling of parameters between native programs and Node.js with support for all native , including the ability to pass and receive fields declared with natiave IBM i data types
- Ability to call any service program procedure on IBM i from Node, including operating system API
- Ability to automatically expose any existing legacy logic as SOA web services, even when legacy programs are not well-modularized and screen logic is intermingled with business logic