"value": Sets the initialization value for the current element.
Subfile Settings
"display subfile record number": This property identifies tells the scrollbar position when the subfile is first displayed."position at top": When this property is set to true, the subfile record identified by the "subfile record number" property will display in the top row of the gridsystem when to display grid records. It represents the SFLDSP keyword.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
"display control record": This property tells the system when to display the subfile control record. It represents the SFLDSPCTL keyword.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
"place cursorinitialize subfile": When this property is set to true, the cursor is placed in the subfile record identified by the contents of the "subfile record number" property. The cursor is positioned at the first input-capable field in the subfile recordThis property tells the system to initialize all records within the subfile. It represents the SFLINZ keyword.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
"subfile endrecords not active": This property is used to indicate that a subfile with a paging bar has loaded all of its recordscan be used together with the "initialize subfile" property to initialize a subfile with no active records. It represents the SFLRNA keyword.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
"delete subfile next changed": This property is used to forces the user to correct program-detected typing errors in subfile records. The program can cause a record to be changed so that a get-next-changed operation must read the record again': This property tells the system when to delete the subfile area. It represents the SFLDLT keyword.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
"cursor record numberclear subfile": This property can be bound to a numeric field, which will return the relative record number of the record on which the cursor is located."cursor progression": This property determines the tab order for input elements within the subfiletells the system when to clear all records from the subfile. It represents the SFLCLR keyword.
- Possible choices: "left to righttrue", "top to bottomfalse"
"subfile return rrnsize": This property can be bound to a numeric fieldrepresents the SFLSIZ keyword, which will return specifies the relative record number of the top visible record within a grid.
"subfile changed": Specifies a response indicator that is set on if the input data within the subfile is modified.
Font and Text
"font family": The font face for the text inside the grid. To define a different font for each grid column, select <i>Other...</i> and specify a comma separated list of fonts.
- Possible choices: "Arial", "Consolas", "Courier New", "Fantasy", "Georgia", "Monospace", "Tahoma", "Times New Roman", "Sans-Serif", "Serif", "Trebuchet MS", "Verdana", "Other..."
"font size": The size of the text inside the grid. To specify a different font size for each grid column, select <i>Other...</i> and specify a comma separated list of font sizes.
number of records that can be placed into the subfile. However, if you program places a record with a relative record number larger than the SFLSIZ value into the subfile, the subfile is automatically extended to contain it (up to a maximum of 9999 records). If this property is not specified, the subfile page value plus one is used. The subfile page value is determined from the "number of rows" property minus the header row if it is present.
"subfile record number": This property identifies the scrollbar position when the subfile is first displayed. It represents the SFLRCDNBR keyword.
"position at top": When this property is set to true, the subfile record identified by the "subfile record number" property will display in the top row of the grid.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
"place cursor": When this property is set to true, the cursor is placed in the subfile record identified by the contents of the "subfile record number" property. The cursor is positioned at the first input-capable field in the subfile record.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
"subfile end": This property is used to indicate that a subfile with a paging bar has loaded all of its records. It represents the SFLEND keyword.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
"subfile next changed": This property is used to forces the user to correct program-detected typing errors in subfile records. The program can cause a record to be changed so that a get-next-changed operation must read the record again.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
"cursor record number": This property can be bound to a numeric field, which will return the relative record number of the record on which the cursor is located.
"cursor progression": This property determines the tab order for input elements within the subfile. It represents the SFLCSRPRG keyword.
- Possible choices: "left to right", "top to bottom"
"subfile return rrn": This property can be bound to a numeric field, which will return the relative record number of the top visible record within a grid. It represents the SFLSCROLL keyword.
"subfile changed": Specifies a response indicator that is set on if the input data within the subfile is modified.
Font and Text
"font family": The font face for the text inside the grid. To define a different font for each grid column, select <i>Other...</i> and specify a comma separated list of fonts.
- Possible choices: "Arial", "Consolas", "Courier New", "Fantasy", "Georgia", "Monospace", "Tahoma", "Times New Roman", "Sans-Serif", "Serif", "Trebuchet MS", "Verdana", "Other..."
"font size": The size of the text inside the grid. To specify a different font size for each grid column, select <i>Other...</i> and specify a comma separated list of font sizes.
- Possible choices: "8px", "9px", "10px", "11px", "12px", "13px", "14px", "15px", "16px", "17px", "18px", "19px", "20px", "21px", "22px", "23px", "24px", "25px", "26px", "27px", "28px", "29px", "30px", "Other..."
- Possible choices: "none", "row number", "row range"
"sortable columns": Enables column sorting. If set to true, the user will be able to click on the column headings to resort the data.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
"default sort order": Specifies the default order for sortable columns": Enables column sorting. If set to true, the user will be able to click on the column headings to resort the data. When the user clicks a column, the default sort order is used initially. To provide a different sort order for each grid column, select <i>Other...</i> and specify a comma separated list. Entries in the list can be abbreviated using the letter A for Ascending and D for Descending.
- Possible choices: "Ascending", "trueDescending", "falseOther..."
"default initial sort ordercolumn": Specifies the default order for sortable columns. When the user clicks a column, the default sort order is used initially. To provide a different sort order for each grid column, select <i>Other...</i> and specify a comma separated list. Entries in the list can be abbreviated using the letter A for Ascending and D for Descending.
- Possible choices: "Ascending", "Descending", "Other..."
"initial sort column": This property specifies the column used to for inital sorting. This property specifies the column used to for inital sorting. Each grid column is identified by a sequential index, starting with 0 for the first column, 1 for the second column, and so on. If the property is omitted or set to blanks, sorting is not initiated when the grid is first rendered.
"initial sort field": This property specifies the field name used to identify the column for initial sorting. If this property and the "initial sort column" property are omitted or set to blanks, sorting is not initiated when the grid is first rendered.
"column sort response": Specifies a response variable for server-side sorting. If omitted, client-side sorting is used. The response is a numeric value that represents a column in the grid. Each grid column is identified by a sequential index, starting with 0 for the first column, 1 for the second column, and so on. If the property is omitted or set to blanks, sorting is not initiated when the grid is first rendered."initial sort field": This property specifies the field name used to identify the column for initial sorting. If this property and It is the responsibility of the program to keep track of the sort direction, and to display an up or down arrow in the appropriate column using the "initial sort column" property are omitted or set to blanks, sorting is not initiated when the grid is first rendered."column sort response": Specifies a response variable " and "default sort order" properties.
"Field Name Sort Response": Specifies a response variable to receive a field name used for server-side sorting. If omitted, client-side sorting is used. The response is a numeric value that represents a column in the grid. Each grid column is identified by a sequential index, starting with 0 for the first column, 1 for the second column, and so onrepresents the name of the field bound to the first widget in a column of the grid. It is the responsibility of the program to keep track of the sort direction, and to display an up or down arrow in the appropriate column using the "initial sort columnfield" and "default sort order" properties.
"page up response": Specifies a response indicator that is returned to your program when the previous page link is clicked."csv export": the previous page link is clicked.
"csv export": Displays a link allowing the user to export grid data to Excel using the CSV format.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
"xlsx export": Displays a link allowing the user to export grid data to Excel using the CSV XLSX format.
- Possible choices: "true","false"
"csv export file name": Defines the name of the download file used to export grid data to CSV formator XLSX formats. The .xlsx or .csv extension is automatically appended to the name. If omitted, the record format name is used.
"data url": Sets the url to a Web service that returns JSON data for a database-driven griddata for a database-driven grid.
"data transform function": The name of a JavaScript to be called to process the results of the "data url" program. This can be used to transform data from the program into the format expected by the grid widget.
"left": Represents the x-coordinate of the current element.
- Possible choices: "hidden", "visible"
"ondbload": Initiates a client-side script when database data is loaded for a database-driven widget. An object named response will be defined that contains:
- success: boolean true/false
- id: the widget id
- error: an object with "id", "text" and "text2" fields containing the error.
"onfilterchange": Initiates a client-side script when the filter has changed.