Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Number - Used to format numbers. Options here can use Thousands(1000) Separator and show zero balance of the field. And, also allows zero or blank fill for the field. No extra spaces causes an input field to behave as in keyboard shift Y. The number of characters that can be keyed into the field is equal to the length to the length of the field. When no extra spaces option is unchecked, extra characters can be typed for the sign, decimal, and thousands separators. 

     In the example below you can see the differences between all options. The length of data is 10 and 2 decimals.

  • For 1000 Separator the source data '1200000.00' would appear as '1,200,000.00' in the output.
  • Show Zero Balance has source data '00' would appear as '.00' in the output. 
  • For Blank fill the source data '12.34  ' would appear as '12.34' in the output.
  • For Zero fill the source data '12345.60' would appear as '00012345.60' in the output.
  • For No Extra Spaces the source data ' 12345671.89' would appear as '12345671.89' in the output.


  • Edit Word - Used to format a numeric field with an editing pattern you specify.
