These properties are used to specify an input type for the textbox. These are primarily used for mobile purposes, but some are supported by HTML5 capable browsers. If this field is not set a standard textbox element will be used by default. .
Date - The Date input type is used to create a date field for the textbox. When supported it allows your user to select a date which is automatically formatted for the field and returns the date as a value.
Datetime - Similar to the Date input type this allows the user to select a date and time (with time zone).
Email - This input type would be used for a field you are expecting an email address to be entered. For mobile browsers this field allows your device to recognize the email type and change the on-screen keyboard to match (giving @ and .com options depending on the device).
Time - The time input type gives the user a field to accept a time entry format. This input type does not give a time zone like the datetime type.
Month - The month input type functions like the Date type, with the exception there is no day indicated in the format. It allows the user to only select a month and year.
Number -
Tel -
Auto-Complete Choices
You can also set a series of choices using a comma separated list to allow an auto-complete function to the textbox. This functionality can also be set by using a database file to populate the choices and values.