"id": Sets the ID of the grid.
"value": Sets the initialization value for the current element.
Subfile Settings
"subfile record number": This property identifies the scrollbar position when the subfile is first displayed.
"subfile return rrn": This property can be bound to a numeric field, which will return the relative record number of the top visible record within a grid.
Font and Text
"font family": The font face for the text inside the grid. To define a different font for each grid column, select <i>Other...</i> and specify a comma separated list of fonts.
- Possible choices: "normal", "-3px", "-2px", "-1px", "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "6px", "7px", "8px", "9px", "10px", "11px", "12px", "13px", "14px", "15px", "16px", "17px", "18px", "19px", "20px", "21px", "22px", "23px", "24px", "25px", "Other..."
"has header": Determines whether the grid has a header row.
"column headings": Specifies a comma separated list of heading text for each column of the grid.
"odd row font color": Defines the color of text inside the odd rows of the grid. To define a different color for each grid column, specify a comma separated list of color values.
"selection background": Defines the background color of a grid row when the user selects it.
Grid Settings
"number of rows": Specifies the number of rows in the grid, including the header row.
"context menu id": Specifies the id of a Menu widget used to display a context menu when the user right-clicks a grid row.
Paging Bar
"show paging controls": Displays links for navigating to the previous page and the next page of records.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
Row Folding
"fold multiple": The property determines the height of a collapsed row, which is calculated at by taking the row height property and dividing it by the fold multiple. The multiple represents the number of collapsed rows that can fit into one expanded row.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
Grid Data
"database file": Database file to use for a grid that is tied directly to a database. You can specify a 'database file' or 'library/database file'. If library is omitted, the session's library list is used.
"data url": Sets the url to a Web service that returns JSON data for a database-driven grid.
"left": Represents the x-coordinate of the current element.
- Possible choices: "true", "false"
Drag and Drop
"allow drag": This property determines if rows within the grid can be drag and dropped.
"ondrop": Initiates a client-side script when the mouse is released during a drag and drop operation. Information about the drag and drop operation is provided using the global pui.dragDropInfo object.
"parent tab panel": This property specifies the id of the Tab Panel to which this element belongs. The property is set automatically when you drag and drop the element onto a Tab Panel.
"parent field set": This property specifies the if of the Field Set Panel to which this element belongs. The property is set automatically when you drag and drop the element onto a Field Set Panel.
"border color": The color of the grid's outer borders and inner separators.
- Possible choices: "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "Other..."
"padding bottom": Sets the distance between the bottom edge of a grid cell and the cell's content.
- Possible choices: "0px", "1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px", "6px", "7px", "8px", "9px", "Other..."
"css class": Defines a custom cascading style sheet class to assign to the element. To specify multiple classes, right-click the property and select Add Another CSS Class.
- Possible choices: "hidden", "visible"
"onrowclick": Initiates a client-side script when a row within the grid is clicked. The script can determine the row number using the <b>row</b> variable.