Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

  • These installation steps apply to Profound.js 6 and later versions only.
  • Profound.js 6 requires either Node.js 14 or 16.


The next step is to enter the directory (using the cd command) and run the Node Package Manager (npm) install process for Profound.js using the command "npm install profoundjs@beta". This will download all package dependencies and install the product.
Sample commands to start the installation process for Profound.js

Code Block
cd /
mkdir profoundjs
cd profoundjs
npm install profoundjs@beta


When performing a fresh installation of Profound.js, an additional step is required to complete the installation. This section can be ignored if installing an upgrade to an existing Profound.js instance. To complete a new installation, run this command from within your installation directory:

Code Block
node complete_install.js

The complete_install.js script will prompt you for details on how to set up the Profound.js installation. Default options are shown in parentheses after each prompt; so if the default is appropriate, you can just press Enter. The prompts are shown below:


  • Specify port number for Profound.js server (8081):
    This specifies the port number Profound.js will run from.

  • Install with Git integration (y)?
    Answer 'y' to install necessary components for Git integration features. This question only appears on supported platforms. Currently, Git integration is only supported on Windows, Linux, and Mac.
  • Install Profound.js Connector IBM i ILE components (y)?
    If you are installing on IBM i, you will have the option of installing the Profound.js Connector, which allows native IBM i applications to interface with Profound.js. You can press Enter here to proceed, or type 'n' and press Enter if you don't want to install the Connector.



  • Specify Node.js path for instance
    This question allows you to specify an alternate Node.js binary path for the instance. The default value is the path of the Node.js binary used to run the installation process. Values such as these can be used to select alternate Node.js versions:
    • /QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/node (IBM i system default Node version)
    • /QOpenSys/pkgs/lib/nodejs14/bin (Node.js 14)
    • /QOpenSys/pkgs/lib/nodejs16/bin (Node.js 16)
  • Autostart server instance when TCP/IP starts (y)?
    Press Enter to configure the server instance to autostart when TCP/IP starts, or type 'n' and press Enter if you don't want to autostart the instance.


Profound.js is provided as an npm package hosted on When installing npm packages into a directory that does not have a package.json file to describe your project, npm produces several warning messages that look like this:

npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\Alex\pjs_instance\package.json'
npm WARN pjs_instance No description
npm WARN pjs_instance No repository field.
npm WARN pjs_instance No README data
npm WARN pjs_instance No license field.

These warning messages do not mean that the installation failed. They simply mean you did not have a package.json file to descibe your project.
