- A Named Route. A workspace can contain any number of Named Routes. These routes run when the URL includes a route path name, in addition to the workspace name. Named Routes can also be either stateful Rich Display File programs, or stateless Express programs. To set up a named route, check the Express Route box, uncheck the App Start Route box, select the desired HTTP method, and fill in the desired route namepath. Route names paths must be unique within the workspace. For a stateful Rich Display File program, set the HTTP Method to 'get' and check the Rich Display App box.
Workspace routes are run using URLs like this:
- http://yourServer:port/run/workspace_name/ (App Start Route)
- http://yourServer:port/run/workspace_name/route_name path (Named Route)
If an App Start Route is configured, it can be launched in a browser tab by using the option Launch→Launch App in Browser Tab from Home section of the ribbon: